'What in All father was that?!' He groaned getting up, Odin was still unsure how to react, he wanted to be careful knowing how powerful Y/N now is, unsure whether he could even win in a solo fight.
Without looking at Thor Y/N picked him up with her powers and placed him feet first on the floor. Keeping her gaze on Odin she finally speaks:

'Odin, The Avengers are probably trying to get into Asgard as we speak but I have had a plan held so close to my heart no one knew about it. Planning it for months, sometimes I failed or seemed like there was no hope but now, I am certain I found a way'

'Child, please be careful, I have an idea what this plan may involve and I must admit , we are both in awe at your determination and sheer will' Odin looked at Thor and back at Y/N.

'This might surprise everyone by the way I treated him but I too miss Loki and I can understand why your doing this but don't make any enemies on the way'

'The Soul stone' Thor interrupted

'I love you dear brother and your bravery and strength are impressive, your sense and intelligence however is nothing compared to your brother' she glances at him briefly.

'Yes, I plan to use the Soul stone to bring my soulmate back. Odin, Can you get Heimdall to prevent the Avengers getting in? At least stall them, I'm sure they will tell me some "I need to move on bullshit" ' she rolls her eyes.
'What keeps me sane is knowing I have hope to get him back' she then rubs her fingers over her ring again.
'The following might shock you and make you question your own conscious but it is the only way the stone will work' she looks at Odin, her face though serious looked in pain, you could see how mentally and emotionally tired she was.

'What is this request?' Odin though intrigued had to be cautious.

'Do you have a prisoner ready to be sentenced to death? I need him'

Frigga looked to Odin who seemed like he was debating what to say.

'What do you require from this prisoner?'

'His soul' said Y/N coldly but affirmative
'In order for me to revive someone I need to trade a soul'

'Eye for an eye as you will' interjected Thor.

'We need to make haste if you agree with this trade, Thanos should of felt this sudden power surge from the stones by now, knowing I also want to reverse the damages he has done. You are my family yes, but I have an extended family on earth who supported me through a lot and I owe it to them to try and get everyone back' a tear rolled down her face and Thor softened hearing that she isn't as selfish as he thought, she doesn't want just Loki but the rest of the group together. With that he walked towards the doors exiting the throne room.

'I will keep Tony and Steve from barging in' and noticed Y/N tilting her head in admiration.

'Thank you Brother' she replied softly. Y/N was trying to gauge Odin's facial expressions but emotions is what he hid very well.

'So, I need an answer All Father'

'Where does this prisoner need to be?' He began to speak still uncertain whether he wants to allow it.

Y/N started to feel overwhelmed with emotions but hid them.

'Bring him to the catacombs, I shall be waiting there' with that she flicked her cloak and headed for the door.

'You may try this once my dear, we all miss him but you need to rest' Frigga called out. Y/N stopped briefly but continued, she needed to try it, knowing that she can absorb powers without harmful consequences, no one else can do this.
Closing her eyes she appeared in the catacombs next to Loki's burial tomb, deep in thought she went over her plan again.
Clutching the serpent pendant she opens the suitcase she stole at the compound then clicks it open and 5 stones were present. In order to get to Asgard within seconds she absorbed the space stone again, because she was already attuned to the stone before it made no affect on her body.
Grabbing the soul stone she placed it in her hand and began absorbing it, a searing pain started to flow through her and she screamed out as her entire body started to glow orange. Y/N started to shake slipping in and out of consciousness, wanting to desperately stop and rest but knew she had no time, the prisoner will be here soon and no doubt is Thanos now aware of her new powers.

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