I'm frozen in place, just shifting my gaze between the two.

"You guys are dating?" I finally speak.

"Um- yeah. How do you guys know each other?" Mike says.

"Will's my step-brother!" El announces. "Gosh, that's so cool that you guys know each other!"

"That makes so much sense... he told me he had a sister called Eleanor and I thought maybe it was just a coincidence!" He grins and I decide to pry in.

"Wait- El. Can we talk?" I ask her and get up before beckoning her to follow me to the bathroom, leaving Mike alone in the bedroom.

"So you're not mad I kept this a secret?" I arch a brow.

"Um-no? How would you know he's my boyfriend?"

"No I mean like- since he's famous and everything—"

"Mike's famous??" El's mouth gapes.

"Uh- yeah! His dad is the mayor of Hawkins!" I whisper-shout, surprised by her total obliviousness.


"Doesn't matter- I just thought you'd know."

"Will, I don't care about politics. You know that."

"I know I know, but I don't know maybe I thought there was a chance you knew Michael before your... relationship."

"Eh. Well, I don't." She shrugs and smiles. "Anyway, I'm gonna go back out there."

"Okay, I'll be out in a bit...!" I tell her, trailing off as she shuts the door behind her.

This is too much to take in. El is dating Michael Wheeler? Why didn't he tell me? Does he not trust me enough to tell him about his personal life?? I mean- he took me with him across the damn country so why wouldn't he tell me this?

It doesn't matter anyway. That's not the point.

I don't know what it is but I definitely feel something for Mike, and for him to be dating a girl, my sister at that, it's not gonna help me get over him.

Oh my god, you can't just blame their relationship, Will. Even if Mike was single, you can't date him. Firstly, he doesn't like boys and is probably disgusted by the idea of it. Secondly, society wouldn't approve of this relationship anyway even if Mike had a spark of romantic liking for you which is totally impossible.

I sigh and look in the mirror, my lips trembling as my eyes start to water.

Crap, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...

But it's true. Everything that my subconscious keeps simply reminding me is true and it shouldn't be so hard to embrace. This is how the world works.

Everyone has to be a certain way to be applauded and if you don't classify as that type of person, people won't hesitate to put you down and cast you away from society.

Unfortunately, I don't classify as what the public consider 'normal' and despite that fact, I still have to force myself to display the role of that type of person:

- Attracted to girls.
- Doesn't find amusement in the idea of taking part in feminine activities with female best friends. (Like playing around with makeup, painting nails, etc.)
- Likes normal things like basketball, skating and soccer rather than art.

And hopefully, if I play the part long enough, I'll be stuck in character forever.

You know that you can only do that if you completely isolate yourself from Mike and anyone associated with him, though?

Yes. So that's what I have to do for a while.

When the second voice in my head finally decides to allow me to leave my thoughts, my vision becomes clear and I realise that my eyes are red, puffy and tear stained when I look at my reflection.

Weak. I insult myself before wiping my tears and exiting the bathroom.

I enter the closet and quickly change into simple pyjamas before walking into my bedroom, sneakily glancing at Mike as he whispers sweet nothings into El's ear. I sigh inaudibly and get into bed, making sure to face the wall in case I end up crying again.

Which, of course, I do.

I glue my eyes shut and silently sob as I start to practically hear their lips connecting like any loving couple would do.

It's not them, Will. It's you.

I know. I answer my thoughts.

To Be Continued...

guys I'm almost finished with rewatching stranger things and tomorrow I'm watching vol2 again lmfao I'm getting ready to cry 😩

gn lol <3

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