The real reason

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As the girl stepped out in front of me. Bill was quiet and I was freaking scared because bill was a demon that tried to kill us multiple times and that was his sister. Then I noticed that she was flickering. She's not real , she's a hologram . Then it spoke," bill, if you're listening to this that means you've been searching for me. And I'm sure you miss me,so I have a way for you to see me. Collect a tuff of Unicorn hair , a feather off a dead eagle , a floating eye , and most important a patch of magic called Wish rift. Mix all the ingredients together over a fire. The only catch is that it has to be on a full moon . When it is completed I will be teleported to wherever you are. I love you bill." When she finished I could here bill crying then I asked "bill, did you already know about this? ". He took a minute, then answered," yes, yes , pine tree . I knew about this . Your uncle has that wish rift tucked away in his lab. That's why I am controlling you, to get into the lab and grab the wish rift."
   I was too shocked to speak so I just continued the path to the diner. When we arrived I sat at a booth and brought out my journal that I was working on. When the waitress came to take my order I was shocked to find out it was Pacifica. I started to stutter then bill obviously saw I was struggling so he took control. " Hey Pacifica, I'll have a falls sandwich please" He smiled at Pacifica and she answered with a grin "ok it'll be ready soon " . Bill let me regain control and talked in my mind," I originally was going to torture you but you really need help, I mean seriously, you can't even look at her without forgetting how to speak" I muttered back " thanks bill . And I was thinking about Syl and I wanna help you get her back . As long as she doesn't try to kill us." Bill answered" she won't try to kill you, she wouldn't even hurt a fly. And if I get her back I won't really care about you guys anymore." I was actually thinking I might miss him.
    *Mabel's point of view*
Dipper's been acting really weird lately. He spends most of his time by himself and leaves the house. I'm really worried about him.

    Ford's point of view
All I remember from last night was dipper using my memory gun on me . I just don't remember why he did , I just remembered his terrified expression as he pointed it at me. Something is wrong with dipper and I'm going to find out what it is.

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