it can't be real

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     Dippers body rose in the air with glowing yellow eyes. "This CAN'T be real!"Ford exclaimed. The room became quiet as bill (in dipper's body) continued to laugh ,when he shouted,"it's been a while now sixer," .  "ENOUGH of your jokes,bill, give dipper BACK ." Ford returned. Suddenly bill  was shouting,"NO,NO,NO,NO,NO, IT CAN'T HAPPEN YET!!!"dippers body fell to the ground and his eyes were closed.

      Everyone gathered around dipper a shocked expression on their faces . Dippers eyes flapped open and he started to curl in a ball as Ford picked up dipper and brought him to his bed and Mabel went and got dipper some cold water as Ford tried to get dipper to talk , but he only muttered so quiet no one could hear him. He finally spoke up "He's not gone,"

        " It's ok, dipper " Ford soothed "I don't know how this is possible, bill should be dead.". Dipper sat up to take a sip of water.
    *Fast forward,two days*
Dipper woke up from a night with nightmares to smell some Stan-cakes with some bacon . Dipper stayed in his pajamas as he walked down stairs he tripped, but caught himself before he fell. As he sat down his hand flipped the plate to the ground. Stan got mad a shouted " Dipper!, Why'd you do that?" Dipper responded," I -I didn't mean to,my hand just moved by itself!". "Yeah, right,"Stan replied "I'M SERIOUS! " "Dipper just go while I'll clean this mess" . Dipper was confused,so he went over to Pacifica's house.
    When he arrived her dad answered the door and gave me a dirty look and said," she's upstairs". "Thank you sir " .
I had grown over the year and was 5.8 .
When I arrived at a door that said Pacifica , so I knocked on the door. When she opened the door I was shocked at how pretty she was. As soon as she saw me she went "Wow,dipper, I didn't know you were coming." Without thinking I hugged her and she didn't resist it. "Thanks, dipper" "yeah , I wasn't thinking". " It's fine" .
   They talked for a while when suddenly dipper fell to his knees and was screaming in pain again.

  I hope you like it

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