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"DIPPER, WHAT'S HAPPENING!!"Pacifica screamed. All dipper could do was try to control the pain .
*Dippers view*
The pain was all through my body . I couldn't talk and Pacifica was panicking and shouting. She ran over to the phone and dialed ford's number. He answered,and Pacifica started to yell things at him. They weren't sentences,they were just words. The pains stopped all at once and I wasn't in control of my body any longer. Not this again, no. Pacifica screamed as my body started to rise in the air then with a sudden bang the door was open and Ford,Stan,and Mabel burst in . Ford was just lost in thoughts when we heard bill start to speak "I'm back sixer and you and your gang won't stop me this time".
Then Ford spoke," leave my nephew alone,bill. I'm done with your stupid games"
     "Oh, but sixer you know that there is no way out of all the decisions you've made. Especially the one to work with me"
   Instead of listening to this anymore I tried hard to fight against bill and his power. Then bill stopped laughing and screamed,"PINE TREE STOP, NO NO NO NO!!"
     Then just like that I was back in my body. I wanted to stay there with my eyes closed forever, I was still in the deepest pain .

   *Bills point of view*
"Pine tree needs to stop pushing to get out of my control. I've been trapped in that horrible dimension for so long that I had gotten weaker. When I get a little stronger, dipper will have no freedom to fight back."

  *Ford's point of view*
"Dipper, Dipper, wake up" I talked on . Slowly dipper opened his eyes and looked at me "I can't stop him from doing this"
"Dipper it's not your fault " I tried"Yes ,yes it is, I think the day I made a deal with bill and he went in my body. I think a little part of him is still in me" he explained
I was about to answer when Pacifica yelled" What the heck is happening here!!"

So I was thinking Bipper since bill is apart of dipper? What do you think.

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