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     "Is this really where we have to park?" Robin asked from the passenger seat next to me.

     I pushed the key in the ignition, turning off the car before unbuckling my seat belt, "Do you expect my Dodge to drive through the literal woods?" I asked her, turning my head so I could look at my sister fully.

     Robin rolled her eyes at me, "But we have no idea how far we're going to have to walk, I mean, does it look like I came prepared for mosquito bites?" She mentioned, gesturing to her short sleeve shirt and flowy pants.

     I just shook my head and moved to get out of the car. I stepped out and leaned down, looking at Robin before my gaze moved to Steve in the backseat, "Get out of the car. We'll probably have to walk, what? Five minutes? It's skull rock, Steve knows it well enough."

     They both got out of the car, shutting their doors behind them. I shoved the keys in my bag before walking towards the clearly used trail, Steve and Robin walking behind me.

     "Are we really going to walk into the woods because Munson told you his band was playing here?" Steve asked me, causing me to look over my shoulder at him.

     I smirked playfully and looked him up and down, "What? You don't think you could take him?" I asked, "Steve Harrington doesn't think he could defend us hopeless dames against the 'freak'?" I joked, earning a scowl from Steve.

     "Just go." Steve replied, prompting me to start walking through the woods.

     As we walked, I could hear music in the distance. I took in the music being played. It was extremely metal, with an undertone of rock. There wasn't much singing until we got to the outskirts of Skull Rock. There was a bonfire going in the middle of the clearing. People were crowded around, a larger group than I was expecting. There was a mix of people dressed in stereotypical rock style, and others looked like they were just here to smoke and drink for free.

     I looked around, scanning the environment for any sign of Eddie as we walked into the clearing. I spotted what seemed to be his band playing right in front of Skull Rock. I smiled a bit and watched as my eyes landed on Eddie. He was wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans, playing an electric guitar as he stood in front of a microphone. 

     "Woah." Robin spoke up, taking in the environment around her, "This was not what I expected."

     Steve looked at us and then over to the band, most likely spotting Eddie, "I didn't think there would be this many people here." He mentioned to us as he ran a hand through his hair.

     I nodded, "This is why you guys don't have fun." I stated simply before walking over towards a pile of tubs filled with ice. I rummaged through it before pulling out a cooler. I popped it open and took a sip, "This is gonna be rad."

     Robin and Steve walked over to me, grabbing drinks of their own from the tubs, "So what are we supposed to do here?" Steve asked, looking at me as he cracked open a can of beer.

     I looked at him and then gestured around at the people singing to the music and mingling, "Listen to music, dance, have fun, you know the things that people do at your life-changing parties." I joked, looking at Steve while sipping my cooler.

     Robin laughed a bit and spoke up from where she stood next to me, "Oh this is nothing like little ol' Steve's parties."

     I smirked and looked at Steve, "You're right, it's better." I spoke, sending him a playful wink.

     Steve was about to speak when the singing stopped, and it turned to talking, "Hey everyone, thanks for coming to this epic gig of ours. We're gonna take an intermission, get some drinks, smoke some weed. Enjoy the tunes." Eddie spoke through the microphone before putting on some music. The band stepped away from Skull Rock and walked around towards everyone.

Delighted - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now