4. In Trouble.

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As I gingerly slid off the bed, an overwhelming wave of fatigue washed over me, and a grimace crossed my face from the discomfort. Nevertheless, my curiosity got the better of me, driving me to investigate the identity of the people who had brought me here.

I pushed through the physical discomfort and cautiously opened the door, expecting to find another room. Instead, I was greeted by a grand staircase that led down to an enormous, exquisitely adorned hall.

The floor beneath me, made of elegant porcelain, bore intricate and majestic decorations, serving as an unmistakable symbol of immense wealth. My eyes wandered around the opulent space, and I stood there in sheer fascination, my mind struggling to grasp the reality of my surroundings.

The hall's beauty was nothing short of astonishing, and I had to pinch myself to reassure that I was indeed awake and not caught in a dream.

I carefully advanced into the hall, taking each step with caution to avoid any mishaps or causing damage. It became evident that everything in this entire house was exceptionally expensive.

"Your awake," a voice suddenly said from behind me, causing me to gasp in surprise.

I turned around swiftly to find Samuel standing there, a friendly grin on his face.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," he chuckled sheepishly. "Glad to see you're able to walk on your own. Hopefully, in a few days, you'll be completely fine," he spoke with a reassuring tone. His presence brought a sense of comfort, and I began to feel more at ease in this lavish yet unfamiliar environment.

"This place is...." I began to express, but Samuel cut in, finishing my sentence with enthusiasm, "Beautiful? Exceptional? Spectacular?" He nodded in agreement with his own suggestion.

"Where am I and who exactly are you people?" I questioned, my tone laced with curiosity and a hint of skepticism.

Samuel furrowed his brow and attempted to test my temperature with his hand, but I swiftly swatted his hand away, feeling perturbed by his relaxed demeanor. I trusted no one at this point. Even though they had found me and brought me in, I remained deeply skeptical of their intentions.

"Weird, I could've sworn I told you who I was before. Maybe you really need to get your brain checked for brain damages or short-term memory loss. It seems whatever happened to you before surely did a number on you," he babbled on before me, making me roll my eyes at him.

"I meant where are we currently located? Are we still in Maryland? And if so, you must be rich or something. I'm sure I would know all the rich people from Maryland since there are hardly any except for a few middle class and a wide range of poor class, including myself," I rambled on, unable to suppress a giggle at the last part.

"Of course you're not in Maryland, silly. Maryland is for lower-income folks, and I'm sure you've never seen anything like this in those neighborhoods. You're in Hawthorne district. You may be familiar with the famous town named for its mayor, Charles Hawthorne, in 1998," he explained, his words leaving me in disbelief as my mouth dropped open.

The realization of my new surroundings was sinking in, and it was clear I had entered an entirely different world from the one I knew.

"Yep," he confirmed with an emphasized 'p'.

"Are you related in any way...."

"Yep, he's our grandfather," he replied, his words causing me to gawk in astonishment, which in turn brought a smile to his face.

"No wonder you guys are so rich," I said, my voice filled with complete and utter amazement. The connection between Samuel's family and their wealth suddenly became crystal clear, and I was left trying to wrap my head around the implications of it all.

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