"I know you're probably hungry." He said while pushing the bowl in front of me.

We sat there as I ate the rest of the cereal, listening to Hyunjin yell at everyone that was still in the house. I didn't understand how someone could go from screaming with happiness and then yelling at people to leave. All I could do was laugh at everyone who scurried down the stairs and out the door after each yell.

"Usually people don't stay this long. But Hyunjin does always get this angry because it's so dirty."

"Doesn't he have some sort of maid to clean this up?" I asked through spoons of cereal.

"I mean yeah, but he says the maids would snitch on him to his parents. He rather does it himself, with our help."

After he said that, Seungmin walked down the stairs with the round glasses he usually wore in the morning. He went to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal. Once he sat down, we watched Changbin be pulled by his shirt, by Hyunjin. Hyunjin put him in one of the dining chairs as Seungmin and Jisung laughed. He went to the kitchen and got him a bottle of water.

Hyunjin stood at the head of the table and smiled at us.

"Where the fu-," He said looking around, spotting the culprit on the decoration bench, "Bang Chan? That's a decoration bench."

Bang Chan was faintly alive and was blinded by the sunlight shining in the house. He stared at all of us for a moment before Hyunjin exploded.


Bang Chan quickly got off the bench and ran to one of the dining chairs. Hyunjin took a deep breath and told us what we had to do. Bang Chan was the only one who groaned at the demand. Bang Chan was then shut down by the death stare that Hyunjin shot at him. It was so harsh that I felt it.

"And Changbin before you start anything else, go clean your goddamn vomit off my 30-thousand-dollar rug."

After Hyunjin told us what we were supposed to do, everyone got up and went to their stations. I had the living room, which was way bigger than I expected. There were red solo cups as well as empty bottles of alcohol everywhere. There was confetti and streamers in every place you could imagine. Tostitos crumbled under my feet and what made it better was the bowls that the chips were supposed to be in.

I sighed in agony, but at least I didn't have the bathrooms.


I went into the kitchen to catch a small break and saw Jisung doing the same.

"I guess great minds think alike," I said hopping onto the counter.

Seeing him smile at me made my morning even better.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" He asked me as his smile started fading.

I shook my head and looked away to avoid his sad eyes. They would have got me in the mood to cry like they always did. But then I felt something on my chin.

"You don't know?" He said holding my chin with his thumb and index finger.

I was staring into his eyes when I realized my heart was pounding. The butterflies swarmed my insides as he was staring at my lips.

"I'll give you a hint." He said leaning in closer and kissing me softly.

Surprisingly, my eyes shut and I fell into the kiss. It was so soft and sweet. I grabbed his face and deepened the kiss to savor the taste. Unfortunately, he pulled away and smiled at me.

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