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Macau POV

I told the driver that I'll go with my friends and that I already told my brother. After he went back I got into that bastard's car.

"So you finally decided to come. You did the right thing. Good boy" He said and tried to pat my head. I slapped away his hand before he could even touch me.

"You are making me angry now. I think you are forgetting something." He threatened me.

"Let's just go and get over with it, Mark. I don't want anything with you." I told him angrily. I hate everything about him.

Then he started driving. I don't even know where we are going and what is he going to do. I'm scared but I can't show that to him. I should've told P'Vegas. But no, the great Macau didn't wanted to burden his brother and wanted to solve his problem himself because he's a grown ass boy.

And this bastard sitting beside me is a psycho. I met him like 6-7 months ago. But he knew me before that. He was always following or stalking me. And then atlast he asked me out and I rejected him but he didn't give up.

First I didn't think much about him but then he started following me everywhere. He would take pictures of me and then send it to me with sweet messages. So I decided to confront him. I told him that I'm not interested in him and that he should stop stalking me. But he didn't stop.

(People like him are really scary. I mean why can't they understand it when we are clearly not interested in them.)

First I thought I would tell this to my brother but I don't want to be a burden to him. He already have so much to think about. So I just ignored him.

But this is not the main problem. The main problem is something else. When we went to school picnic, I saw him in my room. I asked him what he was doing here and that I would call the teachers but he closed my mouth with his hands and then started to touch me. I tried to remove his hands but it was difficult as he was way bigger than me. I was so scared at that time. I thought I would get raped by him. But then my friends came in and they caught him and called the teachers.

I was a crying mess. I was so scared. I could still feel his hands on me and it was so disgusting. But I was relieved that he was caught and everything is over, atleast for sometime. I knew he would get out of jail very soon because his family is rich. So I finally decided to tell my brother. I thought I would tell him about this when I'll go back but I couldn't.

( I want to go in the story and want to hug my baby..... And this happens a lot. If you are rich you can do anything and there won't be any problem. They can get away with it very easily )

"Are you listening to me, love." He said.
"I'm not your love and I don't want to listen your nonsense. Just get to the point and where are we even going." I said angrily.

"You really like to make me angry. Don't forget that I still have those photos." He threatened me.

"Just give those photos back to me. What do you even want from me, if you need money-"
"I don't need money. I have a lot money. I want you. I've already told you that I love you. I want you to love me." He said

"No you don't love me. If you loved me then you would never do something like this. You put those cameras in my room when we were on picnic and took those photos. Just delete those photos, I swear I won't tell this to anyone not even to my brother." I told him.

"No baby, I love you, I really do that's why I've to do that. Now look you are giving me your full attention. And you will keep on doing that until I've those photos." He said.

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