4 Hours: Words

52 8 3

"And I wish I could leave my bones and my skin, and float over the tired tired sea, so that I could see you again

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"And I wish I could leave my bones and my skin, and float over the tired tired sea, so that I could see you again."
Words by Gregory Alan Isakov


Empat jam telah berlalu, membawa Calum dan Michelle semakin mendekat ke tempat tujuan mereka masing-masing.

Calum adalah tipe orang yang nggak butuh waktu terlalu lama untuk merasa nyaman dengan orang baru. Mungkin ini adalah salah satu alasan mengapa Calum mudah jatuh cinta pun tersakiti. Kalau kata Chet Baker, he falls in love too easily.

"Why train?" Pertanyaan baru muncul dari Michelle. Well, Calum juga nggak protes, sih.

"It gives me more time with myself. Contemplating, thinking about life." Calum membalas. Matanya sibuk memperhatikan garis-garis tangannya sendiri, seperti takut disihir oleh mata cokelat milik Michelle.

"You can also contemplate and think about life on the plane, or bus, or car."

"I don't quite understand why, but all I know is I feel much more comfortable here. Maybe it's because I spent most of my childhood using these," Calum menepuk kursinya.

Michelle berdeham, lalu menopang dagunya. "Have someone ever recognized you?"

"Yes," Calum terkekeh pelan. "Fun fact, it happened when I didn't put this hoodie on. A fan came to me and said that I look so much like Calum. I pretend I don't understand English by waving my hand constantly and tried to look confused. Thank God I got my mask on and wore long sleeve so they couldn't see my tattoos."

"God, you're mean!" Michelle menepuk lengan Calum. "Isn't it exhausting? To travel or go to places and having people recognize you and ask for photographs?"

Calum terkekeh pelan. Kepalanya lalu menoleh ke arah Michelle, lalu diikuti oleh tatapan matanya. "It definitely is, no matter how much I love my fans."

"Then how do you cope with that?" Michelle kini menopang dagunya dengan telapak tangan kanannya.

"Went on undercover mode, that's one of them. But most of the time, I don't. I just let that happen because I don't know what these people had to gone through just to see me or my bandmates," Calum menjawab.

"Ah, that's a very sweet of you. Thanks for convincing me that my sister has a nice role model." Senyum Michelle merekah, membuat jantung Calum mendadak berdegup kecil.

Calum menunduk sepersekian detik sambil tersenyum, kemudian kembali menatap Michelle. "How about you, Mich? Where are you going?"

"This is all for work. I am a behind the scene videographer for movie productions. I edit videos as well," sementara Michelle menjelaskan, mata Calum terus memperhatikan setiap gerakan bibir Michelle. "I was assigned to work for this production called The Em in Melbourne."

"Ah, I see. There are guys named Andy and Ryan in our team, they videograph things like you too." Kepala Calum mengangguk sembari mendeskripsikan, tetapi seakan- akan tersambar petir, tiba-tiba sebuah ide muncul dari kepalanya. "Do you often use your phone to record things too?"

Kening Michelle mengerut, "of course, why?"

"Could you do me a favor?"

"Sure." Michelle mengangguk, namun semakin bingung.

Calum buru-buru mengeluarkan ponsel dari saku celana jins hitamnya, "help me memorize this trip, would you?"


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