At the kitchen

P'Aof: Ok kids.. let's eat na..

Nu: Seats in the middle of Max and Nat

Zee: When he saw Nu seats in the middle... he seats infront of Nu and watch every move he make. He is looking with begging face... but his Nu is not looking at him.

There just eat peacefully (it's just Max and Nat who is talking...while Nu is in the middle) the atmosphere is gloomy b'c it's new to them that NuNew and Zee is apart to each other andnot talking as usual.

After the lunch.

P'Aof: Kid's let's talk. I can't ignore this situation of you two.. Zee and Nu.. as your manager it's my responsibility to settle the problem especially you have an event later so please talk to each other then settle the problem will you...?

Nu... Zee... If I need to leave you to at the room and lock you there.. I will..

Max: Wait a minute.. I knew there is something wrong with you two because I noticed that when I first step here at the unit... but why? what is the problem? Zee?? what did you do to Nong?

Zee: Just look at Max.. with a sad face. Can we talk please Nu... I can't perform in front of our ZonZon when you are like this to me.. please Nu hmmm..

I don't want to stand in front of them having a fake smile on our face.. sure they will notice us..
(moving close to Nu)

please talk to me nahhh... hmm.. let's go please.

Nu: Looking to P'Off with sad face.. look at Nat..

Look down b'c he don't want to look at Zee.

Zee: Nu please.... krub Nong Nu.. please can we talk first. How can we settle this if you don't want to talk how can I explain myself if you don't want to listen to me..

Please na Nong Nu krub.. let's talk. hmmm

Nu: Ok Hia...

P'Aof: I'll give you 2hrs ok.. then we will go.. please settle this guys..hmmm..

Going to the Room..

Zee: After closing the door.. (Hug Nu from the back) sobbing....

I'm sorry... my Nu.. please listen to me first.. can you? please... hmmm.. (coughing)

Nu: Nodded... (wants to turn to his Hia.. but ashamed) he needs to listen first.

Zee: Turns Nu... and look him in the eye... kiss his forehead. They sit on the side of the bed. Held his hand...
(Zee tells the whole story from the beginning of what happened at his condo).

Nu: Listening to Zee without any face expression. He is just quite while listening. Don't understand what he really feels.

Is he just shy or ashamed or... it's actually really hurt. Even Zee explaining to him the whole story.

He is confused on what happen and what to feel. He just feel not right about the situation.

Zee:   Feeling worried bc Nu is not saying anything after he explained to him what happened yesterday.

He held NuNew's face to turn to him.
Nu... ? can you say something please? (feeling sad)

He knows that Nu is not ok even he explain it to him. He knows he need time to think about it and it feels hurt but he can't say it to Nu. He feels sick but need to be strong at this moment.

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