"I think he will be fine. Besides, it's not like you are a full-time employee there."

We turn our attention to Gunther, Jonas, and Daniel that are completing their out of tune rendition. With the last notes, Gunther drops to the ground and pretends to play a guitar. It's hilarious.

"Oh boy. He is so embarrassing." Emily chuckles. "I think I'm falling in love with him."

My head turns to her. "I'm sorry what?"

She raises her finger. "This is between us. I can't freaking believe it, but I think I'm falling head over heels for that Duffus."

I smile. Her words from when we met are still with me. She called herself a free agent, but Gunther warmed his way into her heart. My eyes land on Daniel, that is staring at me while in deep conversation with Markus. I wonder if they are talking about us...

"Come. We do the karaoke now." Marie pulls me with an enormous strength. "You too." She calls Emily.

"What are we singing?" I ask.

Marie hands me and Emily the microphone and points at the small screen where the title 'Mamma Mia' appears. We both laugh at the most unexpected choice.

Marie glares at us. "What?"

We sing the song out of tune, interspersed with bursts of uncontrollable laughter. I see Daniel smiling at me while listening intently to each word. When the song finishes, Jonas brings a cake out and everyone sings Happy Birthday. Emily gives me a tight hug just before I blow the candles.

"Did you make a wish?" she asks me.

I shake my head. "No need." I respond, looking at Daniel.

I come down from the stage and thank everyone for attending the impromptu party. Lukas approaches me and pats me on the back amicably.

"Happy birthday, Natalie." He smiles. "I will need to go soon, but hope you have a great rest of the night."

"Thank you." I respond with a smile.

Lukas takes his leave and says his goodbye to other people at the party. Daniel approaches him and he accompanies Lukas outside the pub. I fixate my eyes on the two men that stand outside talking.

"He knows." Marie's voice startles me.

"He does?" I turn around to look at her.

Marie gives me her classical smirk. "He knows. Markus knows. Pretty much everyone at the office knows."

I open my eyes. "How? Daniel?"

"Ja and nein."

I roll my eyes. "Marie...."

"Daniel told Lukas and Markus. I told everyone else."

"You did what?" I blush looking around at the room, suddenly very conscious that they knew something about me and Daniel when I still didn't even know how to define my relationship with Daniel.

"Don't overreact. It was only after I overheard what Daniel said to my brother that I told everyone. And just so you know, most of them already suspected. I mean, you two have always been pretty obvious..."

"What did Daniel say?"

"What did I say to whom?"

Marie smirks as I turn around and blush.

"I'll leave you two alone." Marie walks away, still sporting the same dumb smirk on her face.

Daniel takes my hand. "So what did I say, Kleiner?"

I gulp. "Marie apparently has been telling everyone... about us."

He hums and continues, holding my hand and caressing it softly.

"And, she said that she only said that after she overheard you talking to Lukas..."

Daniel smiles. "I see." He looks at me and pulls me into an embrace before kissing me softly on the lips. "Happy birthday." He says before kissing me again.

"So are you going to tell me what you said to Lukas?"

He plants another kiss on my lips. "Are you having fun?"

I sigh and roll my eyes, annoyed. "You're not going to tell me?"

He smirks and shakes his head. "Nein." He pulls me into another tight embrace. "Are you having fun?" he repeats the question.

I huff. "I was.. until now."

He chuckles. "How do you English say? Curiosity can kill the cat?"

"Something like that..." I mumble.

"Hey, do you guys want to go clubbing?" Gunther interrupts our moment. "Jonas apparently knows this new club and is asking if we should continue this celebration there after this place closes."

Daniel looks at me. "It's your day, Kleiner. What you want to do?"

I ponder for a moment. Although I've never been too big at participating in the clubbing scene, the idea is tempting.

"Let's do it, but won't it be too late for us to get back home?"

"We'll need to stay somewhere here."

"You can stay back at my place. I have the room." Gunther says animatedly. "I'll tell Jonas and the others and see who else wants to come."

Daniel leans towards me and whispers. "I could get us a room..."

I blush. That is a very tempting offer.

"I could consider it if..." I linger on the last word and give him a knowing smile.

Daniel laughs. "You are very insistent." He pulls me into another hug and touches his forehead to mine. "I just told him what he already knew. My feelings for you." He kisses me.

"Does this mean we are official?"

He stares at me for a moment. "Naturlich. You cannot get rid of me now, Kleiner."

To think I started the day crying into a pillow and by the end of the day, not only I had put a closure to my relationship with Harry once and for all but I actually started something new with Daniel. My heart leaps in enthusiasm as we exchange another kiss.

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