Ashley rolled her eyes before hearing a ding. "I gotta go. Talk to ya later" She said in a low tone as she walked out and closed the door. "Damn she's such a asshole" Jared said. "For real always talking bad bout someone." Carl said. "now it's just usssssss. Who down for some Mortal Kombat" Jaxxon said. "Bet." Carl chuckled.


"FINALLY" Keith said as he laid in his bed. Letting his muscles relax a little. "Keith remember, we have dinner" His mom said, hitting the the baseboard. "Great... People. Yea" Keith said in a very unexciting voice. "Hey, look at the bright side. Maybe you'll a new friend" she said. "Mama I love you. But the last time I had so called friends, I was going on Worldstar every other weekend" Keith said. "Well maybe if ya had some black friends.... Not whitewashed" She chuckled. "Yea, the only real friend I had was Jay. Who was white passing. But he moved when we were in middle school which means we didn't have a phone." Keith said.

"Well maybe one day you two may run into each other. That's what's happening right now with me. The women who invited us is my friend from elementary school. But ya know I had to move to North Carolina, and that's when I met your dad" she smiled. "Ahh yes the classic story of how you met dad" Keith laughed. "Kira, can you help figure out which one goes where because I'm lost" His father said. "Alright Kevin. But Keith, I promise you this, this is your last year in highschool so it's okay if you don't make any friends. But it's not okay to try. But make sure ya stop wearing that damn hoodie" She laughed. "Mama I was cold" Keith argued. "Don't matter" she said walking out his room.

Keith sighed as he got up and found a different outfit he can wear since he's going to be around other people. He chose a white tank top with a black jacket and some black jeans. With butterfly vans. "Hey dummy what you wearing" his annoying little sister taunted. "None of your business Kayla" Keith said.

For some reason Kayla always hated Keith. Like he bullies hime and likes to make fun of him for his clothing. "It's probably something girly like always" she snickered. "Get out my fucking room" he said. "Make me" she said. Keith slammed the door in her face causing her to scream in pain.

His dad open the door angry. "KEITH WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled. "She started with me. I was just picking my outfit for tonight and she said 'i bet it's going to be always' and I told to get out my room and she said make me so I did" Keith said shrugging his shoulders. "Keith you need to control your anger. You could've broken her nose" he said.

"Ion care if her leg broke. She need to leave people children alone" Keith said. "Keith." He said. "Why am I getting in trouble for sticking up for myself" Keith asked annoyed. "Your the oldest. You should know better." He argued. "Okay, go ahead and stand up for her. You always wanna blame me and Kyle, but never blame her when we tell the full story. I'm going for a walk" Keith said, pissed off and walking past his mother and purposely shoulder bumping Kayla in the wall.

"KEITH COME HERE NOW" his dad yelled stomping down the stairs. Keith was already out the door, and the door was closed. "KEITH MILES BRING YOUR ASS HERE NOW" He yelled. Keith ignored him

"Fine keep yo black ass out here. Hope you fucking die" his dad said, slamming the door. "Such a bitch" Keith mumbled turning up his music and censoring the world.


"Kevin what the fuck is wrong with you," Kira whose is Keith's mother said to him. "since he thinks it's okay to act like a hooligan, then he can stay with them" He said. "Nigga I would smack you dead in the face for calling them children hooligans. They is not. You need to stop favoring Kayla because even I heard the damn situation." Kira said. "You just as bad." He argued. "I give them equal punishments. So you are worse nigga." Kira said. "you shut up women-" "NIGGA MY NAME US FUCKING KIRA YOU ARE NOT GONNNA TREAT ME LIKE IM SOME TYPE IF HOE ON THE STREET BITCH!! I AM YOUR WIFE." Kira yelled. "BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP" Kevin said slamming his hand.

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