Baby, I'm on magazines Ch.3

Começar do início

Usually, there is this rule within my company where you can't post ahead of the photo shoot's due date. If something is said to be released tomorrow and you post it today that lands you in serious trouble and you could potentially get fired.

"Feel free to post whatever you want I wish you nothing but more success to come my butterfly" I smile at Ms. Rose before excusing myself.

Ms.Rose saw my talent back when I was in middle school. I still lived in Korea at the time but since I was a dancer as a kid I had a big following. Someone from the company I'm in right now sent Ms.Rose a video of me and she knew then that I would make a perfect model.

I always wanted to model but my parents seemed so happy to see me being a dancer that I pushed it aside until Ms.Rose personally contacted my parents and with some convincing they let me fly out to New York where I attended highschool and met the love of my life.

It's hard to hide my excitement but with Hee-Ari sleeping peacefully in my arms I contain myself.

"Mama" I was slightly startled by her suddenly speaking. It's rare to hear Hee-Ari call me her mom but I love when she does I wish my parents taught her that instead of dada sometimes.

"I'm here Ari and guess what" she rubs at her little eyes and lets out a cute yawn.

"What is it"

"Mommy is going to be on my first magazine all over the world" Ari's eyes began to light up.

"Congr-...I don't know how to say that word but yay!" I laugh and tell her thank you.

Today's a good day so far.


Leon Pov•

I'm off work today so I decide to hang out with a few of my friends from the set.

"Let's just go golfing then we can request a VIP area" I suggest.

"Sure I'm down," Dilo says and everyone else agrees so we head out.

Dilo is a long-time friend of mine he knows about my situation and is one of the only people I work with that knows I have a kid.

We make it to the indoor golfing center and as requested we are brought to the VIP section that way we won't run into any possible fans.

Everything was going great we were drinking and having a good time my mind was finally clear of my negative thoughts.

"Ayo guys a new chick made it to that Chanel magazine shit," One of my friends says but I don't really pay too much attention to it.

"I bet she's hot"

"Nah bro it's a dude Woah he's definitely nice to look at though" A guy? I think to myself.

"Let me have a look," Dilo asks I watch his reaction closely but I'm just left confused why is he looking up at me like that?

"What's up?" I ask.

Dilo walks over to me with the phone in his hand and I feel my throat close up.

It's Jullian wow...I knew he could do it he's so beautiful. "Guys I think he has a crush Leon's all smiley and shit" The guys start to give me teasing 'Ou's' and my smile instantly drops hell I didn't even realize I was staring at him and smiling like an idiot until they said something.

"He is pretty cute tho did you see those lips good gracious," one of my colleagues says.

I could commit a fucking murder right now I'm so triggered. Dilo must have sensed my anger and quickly tries to change the subject.

I throw the golf club to the ground and grab my jacket from the bench before putting it back on.

"I'm a go back first you guys have fun though" I dismiss myself without waiting for a response because honestly, I don't fucking care right now I just need to keep myself calm before I end up behind bars.

I was always protective of Jullian during our high school days and so on and I still am apparently.

Pulling up into my garage I quickly step out of my car and lock the doors.

I put my passcode in and open the doors to my penthouse. I need a cold shower maybe working out might even help.

Deciding to work out before I actually shower I change into my shorts and head to my indoor gym.

I find myself working out for over two hours I probably would have gone on longer if I didn't hear someone ring my doorbell.

I pause my music and head to my front door wondering who could this be. Oh, a mailman?

"Hello is this Mr. Leon Kim?"

"Yes that's me"

"Here is a letter for you special delivery was required which is why I am here"

"Oh, thanks uh can I ask who this is from?"

"Mm if I can remember it was someone named Justin?. No James mmm Jullie?"

My eyes widen in pure shock "Jullian!"

"Ah yes, that's the name! Well, you have a great day sir" I watch as the mailman turns to walk away heading back to his vehicle.

I close my door and stare at the envelope. Inside is a letter that could quite possibly change my life.

Woooooooooh another chapter down I know this is sad and I know some people might hate Leon but he has his reasons.

The one he didn't wantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora