Chapter Thirteen

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After grabbing a toy from Holly, they were ready to communicate through the lights with Nancy, Steve, Robin, and Eddie.
They were told about what happened in the Upside Down and the younger kids' theory about the murder sites and the gates.
They told each other to meet at Eddie's trailer and after Max gets done being interrogated, they all secretly leave the home.

*Eddie's Trailer*

"Holy shit! You were right." Lucas told Dustin.
Dustin smiles and chuckles proudly.
"Grab that broom." Y/n told Erica.
Y/n gets the broom and pokes a hole into the gate.
After ripping it open, on the other side of the gate, the teens in the Upside Down appear.
"This is trippy." Robin says.
Dustin grabs the cloth-rope they handmade and throws it to the other side of the gate.
"And if my theory is correct..." he says as he let's go of the cloth-rope.
There it is.
The rope that defied the laws of physics.
The younger group of children grab one of the mattresses in Eddie's trailer and set it down as a landing pad for when they come into the "normal" world.
"Those stains are, uh. I don't know what those stains are." Eddie says embarrassed.
First, Robin.
Right when she crosses, she falls down onto the  mattress.
Then, Eddie.
"See you on the other side." Steve says to Nancy.
As Nancy was about to climb up, but then...
She fell into a trance.

"Nancy? Nance, you ok? Hey Nancy? Nancy! Guys, she's in a trance!" Steve says trying to wake her.
"Shit!" Max swore as they all run to Eddie's room trying to find music Nancy would love.

After about ten minutes, she finally woke up.
When Nancy came back, she cried and hugged Steve.

When she cane back, she told us everything she saw.
"So Vecna is Victor Creel's son?" Robin asked.
Nancy nodded.
"Holy shit. Holy shit."
Everyone started to talk and said something about "four chimes".
Y/n wasn't really listening. She was just thinking about how much she just wanted this all to be over.

"Oh and... Y/n..." Nancy started.
"Vecna told me to tell you that... the pipe room is lonely without you." Nancy said a bit confused on what that meant.

Y/n froze.
She knew exactly what he meant.
Vecna wasn't just another monster from the Upside Down.
Y/n knew him.
Not just knew him.
Loved him.
A friend.
The day she saw his name badge. When she found out his real name.
The badge read, "Peter Ballard (Henry C.)"
She finally knew his last name.
"No. No. No." Y/n repeated over and over.
"What? Y/n, what's wrong?" Steve asked.
"Vecna isn't just another monster or a random person gone crazy. His name is Henry. Henry Creel." She replied getting teary eyed.
"How do you know his name?"
"I knew him. In the lab. He was the person that helped me escape. He's-" She stopped.
"He was my friend." She corrected.

"He wasn't just my friend..." She said, sniffing.
"Not just a friend?" Nancy asked not wanting for it to go where she though it was heading.
"He- I... loved him." She admitted.

Yes, she was only eight and he was way older than her, but when she found out what love was, she realized she always had these feelings towards him. She knew that she loved him. That's why she never liked anyone. She never had a crush on anyone. It was because of him. Because of him, she never was interested in anyone. She did have her mind and heart set on someone, just someone she never thought it would be.

"You loved him?" Dustin asked.
"Weren't you like only eight when you left the lab?"
"Yeah but he treated me differently."
"Wait, hold on. What did he mean by the pipe room?" Lucas asked.
"He would take me there. Away from everyone else and he would personally train me. He would help me be stronger with my powers. He told me I was "too precious" to die and that he would protect me my whole life. He said he saw something in me that he never saw in anyone." She explained.
"What about now? Do you still love him?"
"I..." She hesitated.
"Oh come on, Y/n! He's killing innocent people! He's going to try and kill Max! He's been torturing everyone!" Steve yelled.
"Well I'm sorry! He saved my life from being a living hell in that lab! He gave me my life that I have today! How can I not love the person who saved me?! He was the first person I ever learned to love! The first person that took care of me! The first person to treat me well!" She yelled back crying.

When she said that, she got up and left the trailer and sat at the bench nearby.
After about of few minutes of preparing their plan, Nancy went outside to talk to Y/n.
"How am I not supposed to love him? I know what he's doing is horrible, but-" She stops.
"I just don't know what to think."
Nancy hugs her.
Completely ignoring what Y/n just said, Nancy says, "I wanted to say sorry. Max told me inside about what you told her at Lover's Lake. I didn't know you felt that way... But I guess now we both have boy problems." Y/n slightly chuckles and wipers her tears away.
"You'll get through it. I know it's not everyday you find out your first crush is a murderer." Nancy said.
After, she tells Y/n the plan.
Y/n will go to the Upside Down with Nancy, Steve, and Robin.

After cooling off, Y/n finally went back with everyone and they all went to get supplies.
Before they all parted ways, everyone kind of said their "goodbyes" to each other, just in case.

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