Chapter Seven

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Before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading this!! It really means a lot! Writing is sort of like a side-hobby for me and to see some people reading my story is breathtaking and amazing to me. I truly appreciate everyone reading my series.
Also, if you don't mind, please comment! I really appreciate feedback to see how I should improve. Thank you!
Also, I want to try something new in order to get to the good part.

*One week later*
*Y/n's perspective*

It has been a week since... the incident.
El is gone, she didn't let me help.
Will is back.
I am... I don't even know.
Of my brother?
He's been acting... odd.
He's not himself anymore.
It might not seem like anything, I mean, he could just be having a hard time after what he went through alone.
But... his speaking... his tone... his posture... it's all different now.
Like if I've seen it before, but where?
I.. don't know.

Mom's been taking him out of school.
She knows what I can do.
She knows my secret.
Why is she keeping secrets from me?
Why is Will keeping secrets from me?
We used to be so close and now it's like he's a totally different person.
Like if something changed.
Like if someone is controlling him...
But no... it's not possible... right?
Even if I do try to help him, he'll just push me away... again.

*One month later*

I was right.
I mean, I've been sensing it, somehow.

Like if I knew what was going on, but how?
The only time that has happened was when I was back at the lab... and the night Will went missing... and that really weird time thatI fainted for no reason when I first came here.

I'm sure it's nothing.

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