Chapter Four: Finely Dipped Frustration

Start from the beginning

"Okay Lou..."

Worst part is, he can't tell anyone. Not Niall, not Lottie and least of all, not his mum.

Niall and Harry are 'mates', Lottie would probably tell Mum, and Mum... she'll probably call the college and they'd do something that would probably make Louis look like an absolute feeble whistle-blower who can't handle himself, word would get around and Louis' life would get even worse—if that's even possible. So he rather not indulge in any partakes that might make him a complete loser at school and ruin his reputation for life.

So he's helpless. Completely and totally helpless.

Louis wants to actually fucking kill himself.

Currently though, he's walking irritably outside of his lecture with a cutting breeze sharply stinging through his light brown sweater, his tailored light blue jeans cuffed at the bottom like most people had and his book bag swinging rhythmically from his shoulder. He can feel the frosty wind dashing through his dishevelled hair and up his sleeve and through the small knitted holes in the sweater, and that pisses Louis off. He hates being cold, and he gets cold easily to his utmost dysfunctional luck.

It's the first day of October and the leaves are finally pivoting different shades of orange which are slightly splashed with peppermint red, green nevertheless flowing through. Louis has his chilled hands clutching around his svelte waist, breathing in deeply.

From afar he sees a blonde perky girl walking up to him, a very particular blonde girl. Honestly, since that party, Louis hasn't since talked to Stephanie. He feels surely bad for even admitting it to himself but he doesn't like her, not one bit. She's too chatty and she wouldn't even let Louis hold a conversation without her having to flawlessly interrupt him when he spoke, and she tasted weird, which well, not to hold high expectations, but it was just plain foul.

"Hey Louis!" she chirped. "You seem cold."

No shit.

"Hmm, couldn't tell." He breathed, holding up a disoriented smile while he clutched himself closer, standing still in the grassy plain while the air nibbled around his paling skin.

Stepanie laughed forcefully, "You're funny." She tilted her head to the side and cocked her hip.


"Well, anyway, I was wondering-"

Out of the corner of his eye, Louis' bored gaze flickered momentarily and travelled to his right, focusing dauntingly on a curly-haired boy in the distance. He was walking irksomely through the muddy grass with a brown-haired girl under his arm, chatting rhythmically while running his long fingers through his oily quiff.

Louis' eyebrows furrowed.

What just happened?

He wasn't confused because of the boy himself, but more so the fact that the flaunting girl he was standing with reached on her tiptoes, pursing her lips and Harry well, Harry avoided her attempt at kissing him, tilting his head away and grimacing visibly. The girl opened her eyes when she wasn't reciprocated and looked plainly pissed, pushing him off and throwing some angered words as she stormed off. The green-eyed boy couldn't look less unbothered.

Then, Harry's gaze turned to his left and landed on Louis.

Louis' eyes widened and he immediately turned his head away.

"-but only if you're down for it, of course." She nervously twisted her flowing hair on her pointer finger and looked hopeful.

Umm what?

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