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3rd POV:

Just as the onceler had arrived in the forest y/n l/n had been sitting against a tree in the same forest reading a book while a baby cub sat in their lap enjoying the peace.. until they heard a load noise that sounded like.. a guitar.?

Y/n got up from from their spot to go check out what could possibly be making all this noise; when they got close enough they gasped and saw him, the onceler...

"E-excuse me, uh, sir?" y/n muttered and got closer to this mysterious guy dancing and singing, they looked confused as he just continued to throw things at the poor animals which were starting to get very upset.

"Hello! Can you hear me?!" Y/n shouted this time trying to be as intimidating as possible, this got the man's attention and he turned around looking straight at y/n.

"AH!" He seemed to have gotten scared by them being there, he didn't notice them at all, which was strange for y/n because they had called out multiple times.

"Pardon me sir, but who exactly are you?" They looked into the onceler's eyes, looking for any kind of emotion, which they couldn't find.

"Oh hello there! The names onceler!" He said very excitedly and bowed, he then looked behind y/n at the animals, to which y/n also turned around to see a whole group of very angry forest creatures.

Y/n got behind them and looked straight at the onceler, with these actions the onceler gulped and took a step back and started speaking, "uh guys, w-we can talk about this okay? P-please?".

He then grabbed two bags of marshmallows and tried to use them as a shield, which of course didn't work, but it did help.

The bear tore open the bags and the marshmallows flew out and into the animals mouths, and this then helped get them all neutral.

Y/n stepped forward happily and walked up to the onceler and smiled, "my name is y/n, y/n l/n, it's a pleasure to meet you!" They said and shook his hand, y/n hadn't seen another human in a very long time. They were very excited.

"Well, it's nice to meet you y/n, but I need to do something at the moment, but later we can talk okay" the onceler said in a sly way, to which y/n's face turned a light pink and they only nodded.

Y/n POV:

I blushed slightly at the way the onceler was looking at me, I couldn't force any words out so I just nodded and started walking away until I heard a loud banging sound and I turned around.

I saw him chopping down a tree with a shocked face that soon turned into anger, I ran up to him yelling stop and to put the axe down but he wouldn't listen until the tree fell down, I looked at him and spoke up.

"The Lorax is coming, why would you hurt such a marvelous thing you idiot??" I spoke loudly and angry, also involving hand motions helped.

While doing this I didn't notice the sky lighting up and the tree trunk getting strut by lighting, and neither did the onceler, however I did notice the Lorax walking over so I took a step back.

After the onceler and the loraxes argument I walked with the Lorax and spoke with him;

"Oh my! I can't believe im meeting ah, im such a huge fan, you protect the things I love and care about, hi! My name is y/n l/n!" The Lorax looked up at me with a smile and said,

"Oh hello there y/n! It's a pleasure to meet you as well, my dear trees have said great things, thank you for looking after them!"

I got so eco by this and smiled really big, I grabbed the baby cub following me and held it in my arms while speaking again,

"It's my honor to help, I care about all that lives in these forests and I will do anything Bbg to protect them!"

The Lorax looked at me and spoke, "you would do anything to protect them y/n?" "Yes of course I would, why do you ask?" 

The Lorax then lead me to a group of animals and told me the plan.

<Time skip to later that night as the onceler fell asleep>

3rd POV:

Y/n helped get the bed out of the house and next to the river, they helped push it in and then the saw it, the cub was still on the bed!

Y/n quickly ran  back and started charging at the water, they jumped and landed on the bed, grabbed the cub, and threw it to the Lorax, all while not waking the onceler.

Y/n started to panic as the bed started going in the wrong direction and towards a humongous waterfall, they tried waking up the onceler but they couldn't so they flipped the bed upside down.

The onceler woke up and started panicking, the bed hit a rock causing y/n to end up on top of the onceler, they turned bright red and quickly got off of him, they then tried to lead the bed away from the waterfall.

They failed and looked scared to death as they realized they might actually die, the Lorax then moves the rock and it sends them falling, the onceler had grabbed ahold of y/n and tucked them into his chest as he tried to protect them.

Both hit the ground and go unconscious, the onceler getting it worse then y/n so the Lorax goes up to the onceler and gives him cpr, the onceler woke up and turned to y/n.

The onceler got on top of y/n and met their lips, pushing air back into their system, y/n woke up to the onceler kissing them and widened their eyes and pushed him off of them.

"What the fu-" was all they said before laying down again feeling a sudden rush of energy loss, they could barely speak but they managed to say,

"I-I can't move, h-help" the onceler then picked them up and said goodbye and grabbed his bed, then walked home with it and y/n, he layed them down on the bed and cuddled up next to them.


A/n: if you know me irl, just leave please :)

Anyways, I'm scared as to why I remember the Lorax so well sjdjdjdjdh

Uh see you next chapter, this isn't gonna be that long I simply cannot, it'll be 10-25 chapters at most lmao.

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