Chapter 73

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After the overall ranking, the eliminated trainees packed up and left the training base after saying goodbye to their friends.

There may be a better chance waiting for them in the future, and they will be found to be a bright spot and become an instant hit. It may also be removed in various talent shows, and in the end, it will still not be able to make too much splash.

It is because of the unpredictability of what will happen that life is filled with infinite expectations and new hopes.

After lunch time, the trainees gathered in Hall 3, where Yin Suli's mentor was already waiting for them.

Instructor Yin Suli, who has a hand card, is responsible for announcing the rules of the fourth performance and the available songs.

She recently cut her hair short and dyed it a straw gray that was difficult to control. In summer, she wore short sleeves and long boots, and her slightly exaggerated earrings swayed as she looked up.

The trainees were a little cowardly towards this mentor who spoke straight and did not know how to be polite, so instead of getting along with mentor Yao Chen as casually, they all stood in front of her honestly.

Only Fan Xi showed a hint of curiosity on his face, and after a while he raised his hand energetically: "Teacher, can I ask a question?"

Yin Suli lifted his eyelids lazily: "Speak."

Fan Xi: "It seems to be thirty degrees today. Wouldn't it be hot to wear boots?"

Yin Suli's expression remained unchanged: "It will be hot."

Fan Xi humbly asked for advice: "Then why are you still wearing it?"

Yin Suli: "Because I want to."

Fan Xi: "..."

There seems to be nothing wrong with this reason.

The trainees at the scene were all laughing, and Teacher Yin Suli looked around: "Is there any problem? Then let's start to introduce the rules of the fourth performance. This will be your last performance stage before your debut, and the next performance will be twenty-four. Fifteen, will decide whether you can enter the final night of the group."

The trainees took a deep breath when they heard the words. It has come to this point, who doesn't want to hold on for a little longer and successfully get the final debut position. Although the top five high-ranking trainees only fluctuated slightly, the last three have been changing greatly.

Chu Xin can also directly enter the top nine from the back row, so why does the person in the bottom position now have no chance to pull him down?

The rules for the final performance stage are simple.

Four performances in a group of six. In each team, according to the different positioning of the men's team, the positions of rap, vocal, and dance are reasonably and freely allocated according to prominent items, and they are combined with each other.

The lead singer, the sub-vocalist, the main dancer, the sub-main dancer, divide each person's part according to the division of labor.

Four songs are offered to choose from, but there is no longer a demo video. The team was free to play, design their own stage, and re-arrange, choreograph, and write lyrics.

Instructor Yin Suli narrowed his eyes and smiled: "That is to say, this time the stage is completely free, without any restrictions, but it will test the team's cooperation and individual strength. The program group gives all the original songs, and any changes are up to you. , as long as you dare to try, even the style of music can be greatly modified."

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