Movie Night Trauma and Mommy Cuddles

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Michelle POV
Tonight I was going to my friends house since we have a movie night planned with a group of people from school. I was just getting ready, I took a shower and now I was putting on some joggers and my favorite hoodie, also put my hair into a messy bun. I got a message from my friend

My bitch🖤✌🏼❣

Biatch I'm outside of your house

I'm on my way biatch, let
me say goodbye to mom.

When I went downstairs I shout for mom "MOM, WERE ARE YOU I'M LEAVING" "IN THE KITCHEN HONEY" I made my way to the kitchen and went to give mom a hug and a kiss "Goodbye sweetie" "Bye mom love you" "I love you too. Remember to text me when you arrive" "Got it.LOVE YOU" I went out and close the door and get up on my friend's car.

Time skip to arriving on the house


Mom we just arrived to the house.
I'll text you when I'm on my way back
Love you😘

Okay honey, have fun
Love you too🥰

When we got inside the rest of the group was already here, so we just started to get some snacks and get comfortable on the couch. "So what movie are we going to watch" "It's one of your mom's, it's call Don Jon, I watched it before, is really good" "I haven't watched it but I heard my mom mentioned it once on a interview with Ellen and Brie. Yeah let's watch it"
The movie started fine, a little to how can I say this um 'horny' but fine. My mom appear on screen after 10 minutes of the movie and I was really happy. That's how I am, like I love to watch my mom's movies, she is an amazing actress and I admire her, so every single time I watch a movie of hers, I can't help but feel proud and happy. And watch old movies of her makes me see how her career started, and I'm very proud of her.
We were in the middle of the movie already when suddenly a particular "sex scene" if we can say it that way, started. Barbara was with Jon on the hallway in front of her apartment door, they started kissing, and it was not a big deal until I hear the first moan and my eyes went wider and I just put my head on my pillow and scream "NOOOO" I just hear my friends starting to laugh and pause the movie, when I put my head up, the motherfuckers were recording me. I instantly gasp "YOU KNEW DIDN'T YOU MOTHERFUCKERS. NOW I'M TRAUMATIZED FOR LIFE. BITCHES THAT'S MY MOM, AND EVEN IF IT'S FAKE, IT LOOKS SO FUCKING REAL. OMG, NOW I WOULD NEVER LOOK MY MOTHER THE SAME. I WANT TO CRY" I was whining and shouting, but dude who wouldn't. I mean I just watch my mom in the beginning of a fucking sex scene that even if I know it's fake, thanks to her great acting skills it look so fucking REAL. They play the movie again, and the moans started to be heard again, "Nah I ain't watching this shit" I shake my head and put a pillow on my face, covering my ears, trying to muffled the moans of the movie "Come here Michelle I'll save you" my best friend Amelia said to me and embrace me putting my head on her chest covering my ears more so I couldn't hear.
We just ended the freaking movie and I was fucking traumatized, I look at every single one of them and stand up with my pillow in my hand "You guys did this on purpose, didn't you?" "Come on it was hilarious watching your reaction" "Was it now?" I started to attack them with the pillow and we ended having a "PILLOW FIGHT" I did it on purpose though, I needed a distraction for what I saw minutes ago. When we tired ourselves for trowing the pillows at each other I decided to call it a night, and get back home "Well girls I have to admit that even if you stupid bitches played dirty to me tonight, It was fun, but now I got to get going, so wish me luck. I don't know how am I going to look my mother in the eye without the image of Barbara having sex with Jon on the hallway, or in his bed, replaying in my head but I will figure it out. Bye bitches, love you mean it" "Bye, hate you kidding" all of them answer. The drive home with Amelia was just vibing to the music, and we got home really fast. I look at Amelia "Bitch why did you drive so fast" "It wasn't me, blame the music. We were vibing so much, that the way was shorter for some reason" "Stupid music" she started laughing "Its not funny biatch, anyways bye see you on monday" "Bye bitch, love you mean it" "Hate you kidding"
Walking to the door I was so freaking nervous, I don't even know why. I mean I'm a 18 year old girl that just watch her mom having fake sex but it look real for the sake of the movie. So traumatizing. Anyways, I push my thoughts away and open the door, take off my shoes and shouted "MOM I'M HOME" "HEY SWEETIE , I'M IN THE LIVING ROOM" maybe she thought I was going to where she was but instead I just run directly to my room and jump in my bed with my head buried on my pillow.

Scarlett POV
I was on the living room and hear the front door open and my heart stop for a second, Michelle told me she was going to text me when she was on her way back, and she didn't. But I started breathing normally again when I hear her shout at me "MOM I'M HOME" "HEY SWEETIE , I'M IN THE LIVING ROOM" I shouted back, and I thought she was going to come where I was, but instead I heard her bedroom door close. Weird. I stand up and go upstairs to her room. I knock at the door "Come in" I open it slightly and made my way to her bed, I saw her laying down with her head buried on her pillow "Everything ok honey" She shakes her head no, I started to rub circles on her back "Don't tell me you watch End Game again sweetheart" She turns around to face me but don't make eye contact with me and starts to play with her class ring. She chuckles a little "I wish it was that one mom" I frown my eyebrows "Ok something its definitely wrong with you. For you to watch end game before any other movie, what's wrong with you?" I put my finger on her chin to make her look at me and she take it away and finally look at me but started shaking her head no and frown her eyebrows "Noup don't do that. Barbara did that to Jon in the hallway" "Barbara, Jon what are you tal-, did you watch Don Jon?" She nods fast and whines "And I regret it so much, I am TRAUMATIZED FOR LIFE MOM" I just started laughing, it's amazing how my 18 year old daughter, which btw already had the sex talk with me, just because she watch a fake sex scene that her mom did, it's traumatized for life. She looks at me "MAMA WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING, I JUST WATCH YOU HAVING FUCKING SEX IN A MOVIE, LIKE NOOOOUUU" "Honey but that wasn't real" "MOM YOUR FUCKING INCREDIBLE AND AMAZING ACTING SKILLS MADE IT LOOK LIKE IT. I JUST CAN'T TAKE THAT IMAGE OUT OF MY HEAD,UGHHHH" By now I'm crying for laughing to much "Mom stop laughing at my trauma please" "Ok,ok,ok I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry. But I got to ask, why did you watch the movie if you knew" "That's the key word right there -IF I KNEW- but I didn't mom, my lovable friends play me dirty, they already knew what was going to happen. And they were recording me to capture my reaction when that scene came along" "Tell Amelia that I want that video" "MOMMMM" "Whatttt? It's not all the time your daughter gets traumatized because of a film I made a long time ago and it's capture on camera" "The movie was good thought, but that part and the other one where both of you are in bed, traumatized me for the rest of my life" "Aww my poor baby girl. I tell you what, let's watch Rough Night together so you forget about Don Jon, ok, sounds good?" "For me it's great mom, but you don't need to do it. I know how much you dislike watching yourself in a movie more than once" "Yeah but anything for you" "Ok then, let's watch it. Can I get cuddles too" she look at me with puppy dog eyes "It's fine for me, come here baby" I got myself comfortable and open my arms so we could cuddle. She put her arms around my waist and her head on my chest, when she got comfortable enough. She turn on the tv and put the movie.
It's one of her favorites and she knows mostly all the lines that I say, and even if this is the, I lost count of how much she have seen this movie and she knows what's going to happen, she still laughs in the same parts and repeats the lines like a mantra. I really don't like watching myself on the movies more than once. Instead of watching the tv, I was watching her. I love this kiddo with my life, she's my everything. My mom wasn't lying when she told me that my baby girl was going to be more than my daughter, she was going to become my best friend. I couldn't want my life any other way, I have Michelle, my most precious treasure and she is everything and more of what I need. She is my best friend, my confident and my number one fan. And I love my baby girl for that.
"Mom your missing the best part" she gets me off of my thoughts and make me look at the tv, it was the part where they were dumping the body and Pippa was driving and didn't stop, falling on her neck, causing her to not walk properly. She burst out laughing and I just smile to myself, her laughter is music to my ears.
When the movie was over, Michelle was fast asleep on me, and I wasn't going to interrupt her sleep. She look so peaceful, so instead I stay there looking trough my phone and decide that I was going to text her friend and ask her for the video. When Amelia send it to me, I watch it, and I only could laugh silently to not wake Michelle up. When the video was over, I look down to Michelle and started brushing her hair out of her face. I give her a kiss on her hairline and whisper "You're to pure for this world" I'm way honor to have her as my daughter. I really won the lottery with her.

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