Chapter Twenty-One: Worries Bigger Than A School Project

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Now, that wasn't to say Haruna wasn't unbothered. In fact, she still found it pretty irritating to be at the mercy of Katsumi. She was constantly one step ahead, and by the time Haruna caught up, it was too late, and whatever Katsumi wanted to have happen, happened. At this point, along with being escorted to and from school, Haruna had also been dragged to the cafeteria every day and even got taken to the library once to study.

"I just can't keep up," Haruna thought, annoyed as she glanced back at Katsumi from her seat. As per usual lately, the girl was just staring out the window with her head propped up by her hand. "The way she's just been so casual about this has really been pissing me off," Haruna thought. Katsumi just looked so... uncaring. It was almost as if nothing mattered to her anymore. Haruna had her guesses as to what that might mean, but ultimately, only Katsumi herself would be able to explain her current self. "And that'll only happen if we can break through this act she's been putting on..."

While Haruna thought about that, Kanako went back to her seat as the teacher walked in. He looked tired as usual as he set a yellow folder down on the podium in front of the class. He began with making the usual announcements about homework and studying for college entrance exams, then also reminded everyone that their end-of-term exams would also be coming up soon. The whole class groaned, but the teacher just ignored them, moving onto the next order of business.

"Now, as I just mentioned, most of your bulkier assignments are out of the way. With that being said, it's time to start the final group assignment for your third year." This wasn't necessarily a required project that got assigned every year, but most teachers still opted to do it for two reasons. The first was that it provided them a chance to measure how well their students could handle something more advanced (like giving a sample of college work). The second reason was to give students a final, in-class chance at creating some bonds that maybe they hadn't been able to make previously.

Unfortunately, while those reasons sounded good on paper, in practice it was just a major headache for the students. As soon as it was announced, a flood of complaints rolled in.

"A group project? Why even bother now?"

"We're third-years! Just let us slack off!"

"Can I still pass if I just don't do it?"

The teacher's only response was to let out a heavy sigh as he waited for the class to settle down again. "I know it's a pain," he admitted. "But think of it this way. After this, all you really have to worry about is the occasional homework assignment, mid-terms and end-of-term exams, and your college entrance exams." "That still sounds like a lot," one student pointed out. The teacher sighed again. "It's the last big thing you have to do in school, and it'll be a pain for me to grade too, so let's just get this over with together, okay?"

Despite the class's grumbling, the process to make groups still began. The groups were required to be four people, and it didn't take long for students to pair up. Naturally, Haruna and Kanako got together, and it seemed like Chiyo and Michi were going to join them. However, just before they could say anything, Katsumi swooped in. "Endo-san, Nakatomi-san, Yamane-san and me!" she announced.

"Hey!" Haruna exclaimed. "No way! Absolutely not! I'm not working in a group with you!" Honestly, even the teacher looked hesitant to allow Katsumi to have the group she wanted, but ultimately, the teacher allowed it. "They haven't been fighting as much lately, so maybe it'll be fine," he thought. Then he turned to Haruna. "Endo-san, bear with it for the next week, okay?"

Haruna's shoulders slumped. "Stuck in a group for a week?" she thought. "This is gonna be hell..." Glancing back at Kanako, Haruna nearly flinched when she saw her girlfriend's face. "Scary..." she thought. Kanako's face had completely twisted into a furious scowl. It was clear she wanted to make her case to the teacher as to why Katsumi shouldn't be allowed in their group, but being more of the good girl type, Kanako held her tongue. "I wonder if she'll say something after class..."

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