Chapter 2: Forbidden Fruit

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  Treyon's house had always appeared to be larger than any house Nylockee had ever seen. The two-story layout was laden with pure white columns and stone archways that etched out the front door's entranceway. It was as decedent as a castle from the cheesy, soapy fairytale films Nylockee had watched as a kid. The front of the house had always appeared so bright. But staring at it now, Nylockee could see the darkness that lay beneath the shadows of the house.

  Nayeemah knocked on the front door, sending her long box-braids into a dance down her back. 

  "Well here we go," she said, throwing Nylockee a sly grin.

  Nylockee hadn't spoken the entire ride over to the party. There had been nonstop thoughts gnawing at his brain endlessly. As he and Nayeemah awaited the arrival of a party guest to welcome them inside, he dove back into his mind hoping to make sense of his thoughts once more.

  Something about being at Treyon's house made him abnormally uncomfortable. After all, Treyon was a sophomore football player who also happened to be a very good friend of Nahel's before he died late last year. Had Treyon blamed him for Nahel's death? Had the football team pinned Nylockee as a murderer? Nylockee continually sorted through these thoughts hoping none of them were true.

   "Hey! You're  finally here," Treyon said, interrupting Nylockee's thoughts and opening the door for Nayeemah and him.

"Yep, got dressed as quick as we could so we could get to the fun, didn't wanna miss another one of your parties," Nayeemah said, stepping inside.

   Nylockee paused to take in the sight of Treyon's house once more. Had his house always been ridden with this dark, ominous feeling? He knew how close Treyon's family was to Nahel. The two of them had practically grown up together. Nylockee had watched the two of them walking together in the hallways at school everyday. Their chests poked out, heads held high, and smiles plastered on their faces while enjoying their elite status at Heightvillage High. Nylockee knew that losing Nahel must've plagued Treyon the same way it did him. Treyon was Nahel's best friend.

"Nii," Treyon  said, finally breaking the awkward silence. His golden brown skin and tapered wavy hair broke into the forefront of Nylockee's curious gaze. Somehow in the dark of night, Treyon looked much older than he really was. Had the loss of his closest friend taken such a toll on him that it had stolen his youth?

"Hi Trey." That was what most people called him: Trey, not Treyon, that would annoy him.

"Nii, I didn't expect you....I didn't expect you to come," Treyon said, attempting a faint smile that would suggest he was happy to see Nylockee. "I didn't really know if parties were your thing."

"I'm sorry," Nylockee said, letting the words spill out of his mouth before he could stop them. "I'm sorry about... about you know."

"Don't apologize man," Treyon said, opening his front door wider, beckoning for Nylockee to enter. "It's been rough, but this party is for celebrating, no smug attitudes here."

Nylockee settled his gaze on Treyon's face as he entered into the two-story house. The voices of hundreds of people and loud blaring music could be heard playing just above them. Treyon's golden brown skin was laden with dark circles just beneath the crevices of his swollen eyes. Had he been crying?  An empty pit began to form in the center of Nylockee's stomach, threatening to push the breath from his body.

  "Are your parents here? Your Mom or Dad?" Nylockee asked in a voice stained with guilt. Something about the look on Treyon's face made him feel unworthy of even knowing Nahel.

  "Nope, they're on their last vacation before school starts." Treyon exchanged a concerned look with Nylockee. "Everything is fine, I promise."

Nylockee breathed out heavily, and nodded. "I'm glad all is well."

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