2: Cold Love

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A year and a half after Yibo's accident, Zhan's life reached its lowest.

Yibo still hasn't woken up and Zhan felt his own existence adrift. He feels so lost, so scared. 'What if Yibo does not get through it? What if he does not get a second chance to live?' Such thoughts dig deeper and deeper into Zhan's mind and soul until he couldn't think straight anymore...until he couldn't properly breathe...until he himself feels like he'd rather be the same as Yibo. Asleep. Oblivious. Unfeeling.

A year and a half, and every sad thing that can possibly happen occured while Yibo was in coma.

If Yibo ever wakes up, Zhan cannot fathom how he would story-tell those things which would only render his Didi another suffering.

To start with, the Lan couple.

When they've heard of their only son's accident and its bad outcome, Mr. Lan suffered a heart attack and died shortly after. Meanwhile, Mrs. Lan herself became sick and depressed, she can't even look after her own child, Yibo. She had seen him only once during the early days of his hospitalisation and as a mother who had recently lost her husband as well, this became too much for her to bear.

In result, their company almost came unto its ruins without its leaders until Yibo's Uncle from Louyang stepped up and take temporary lead. The enterprise however is just barely surviving the rash economy in the current days.

While Mrs. Wei, Oh! the lovely lady Mrs. Wei! She was in grief too when she learned about Yibo. She took care of him like her own son. Caring for him tirelessly. But at the age as hers, Zhan made the decision to send her back to their hometown in Chenqing. Her health should be prioritised especially when she was diagnosed with Diabetes and Arthritis at the same year.

These made Zhan the main carer of the unconscious young man. He stays with Yibo from morning 'til night. Inclusively and actively participating in caring for Yibo, from meals, to bath, to therapies and medication times. He was so involved in each and every step of Yibo's road to recovery that the staffs at the hospital sometimes forget Zhan wasn't one of thy paid healthcare workers.

At the end of an exhausting day, Zhan can only manage to squeeze a few hours away to return at his matrimonial home with Yang Zi. This was the root, their marriage started to slump.

Yang Zi was understanding at first and supportive with Zhan's focus on Yibo. She did not expressed any negativity when their honeymoon got postponed, neither did she made a fuss when it was completely scrapped by Zhan.

But few months down the line, being left alone most of the time, ignored and abandoned, the compassionate Yang Zi begin to change. She was subtle with it at first, but after a year of Zhan's same routine: prioritising Yibo even before her familial wishes, she couldn't keep her disappointment in Zhan within herself anymore. She started demanding for Zhan's attention and time.

"I am your wife Zhan-Zhan! But you don't even sleep in our house at night! I even barely see you in the mornings!" The cycle of unhealthy arguments became rampant.

This reminded Zhan of his responsibility. He is now married, a husband. So he tried to make up with his wife. If it is time, he makes sure she receives it. If it is attention that she seeks, he makes sure to text and call her whenever. But love...

Zhan did not know when his heart became cold and unemotional towards his first love.

When they kiss, it wasn't as sweet.

When they touch, there weren't any sparks left.



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