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Nailea: Harry can we talk?

Harry: okay

Nailea: I need you, Harry. I'm so god damn lonely. I know you are having problems but we can work it out. That's apart of a relationships! That's the reason why we have our other half as our support!

Harry: Nailea I'm just not ready for a relationship and I just don't want one sorry

Nailea: I GOT IT!

Harry: ?

Nailea: what about... Friends with benefits?...

Harry: Nailea, I've been in friends with benefits before and they don't go out well.

Nailea: well do you still love me?...

Harry: yes Nailea but i told you I don't want a relationship

Nailea: I know! That's why I'm considering friends with benefits! Harry I need you, and I know you don't want a relationship and this is the only way we can work.

Harry: fine, but we need to set rules. I'm serious.

Nailea: whatever it takes, i just need you, I miss you... I love you.

Friends With Benefits » Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now