Chapter 7: Black and White

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Lila and Y/n were wandering through Vale, joyful music blaring through the town as party-like decorations hung everywhere. The Vytal festival would be here soon, and nearly everyone in Vale, and especially Beacon, was excited.

The two Schnee's were ladened with large backpacks full of dust, the preparations for the dust studies test Y/n had to ace. After months of badgering, Ozpin had conceded to let Y/n compete in the tournament if he followed a few rules.

One: he wasn't allowed to use his swords in the four vs four round.

Two: he could only use one sword in the two vs two round.

Three: he had to get ninety percent on a test before the festival.

Y/n was sure than Ozpin was severely overestimating the other schools by thinking the team's best fighters would even close to Pyrrha's level, so his swords likely wouldn't be needed at all. But Y/n was willing to play along.

The third rule had backfired quickly as Y/n had Lila tutor him on dust, turns out living with the teacher can help someone pass a test, no matter how bad they were at academics.

They were planning on using the dust they brought for two different things. First was his dust test, given that the school's stock wasn't exactly the best of the best. And second was to made dust grenades that he could activate by shooting them.

The idea had been Lila's after seeing Ozpin's rules. Y/n would have one set of fire and wind dust to use with Ember, and one set of ice and water dust to use with Shard. Y/n continued to attest he didn't need them, but it gave him more options in combat, so he went with it. Even if he didn't use them in the tournament, they were admittedly a cool idea.

As they walked by the docks, a high pitch voice called out to them, it was Weiss, and the rest of team RWBY.

Weiss: "Y/n, Lila."

The two walked towards them. Over Y/n's months at Beacon team RWBY began to grow on him, so much that he could almost tolerate them for a prolonged time.

Ruby was a constantly hyper ball of weapon loving chaos, and she was easy to mess with cause of the two year age gap. Weiss was far less conceited than she had been when they were young, something that nobody believed when he told them. Blake was an odd one, she rarely spoke so she couldn't really get on his bad side, but she rarely spoke so she also couldn't really get on his good side. Yang was sometimes hard to get along with, she was energetic and social, but she could also be too friendly with Y/n, something he wasn't ready for given he lived seven years of life away from women, and men, and everything really. The team as a whole were full of weirdos, but they were entertaining enough to make up for their faults.

Ruby: "Hey Miss Schnee!"

Lila had become just about everyone's favourite teacher, she made every lesson fun, gave everyone the help they needed to succeed, and only used homework as a punishment, as it was originally designed to be.

Being the social catalyst he is, Y/n also knew why the vast majority of guys liked her, given that she appeared just below Goodwitch in many peoples list of "what teachers they'd smash if they could". Making Y/n curse the Schnee's good looks because of all the horny teens thirsting for his aunt, and Weiss but that didn't bother him as much.

Lila gave a warm smile and patted Ruby on the head, ruffling her hair slightly.

Lila: "Hello Ruby."

She had also taken a personal interest in every student she taught, this meant that she treated everyone slightly differently as to what would help them learn the best.

Yang: "What're you guys doing in vale? Please tell me it's to take Weiss away."

Yang was kicked in the back of the knee by Ruby, nearly making the blonde fall over. Y/n was happy that she had learned to successfully jellyleg people, a trick he's taught her just to see what someone with super speed could do with it. The results were far more entertaining than he could've hoped for. And nobody had figured out he taught her it, so didn't have to deal with the consequences.

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