Chapter 2: The Reunion

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Joe was shock, he was looking at his adoptive son's twin brother.

"Sebastian?" Joe quickly hugged him, and then he broke the hug.

"Look at you, you grown so much.." Joe smiled.

"Thanks Joe, still can't believe you still live here." Sebastian said.

"Well, I have a new daughter and girlfriend, come on in." The two sat down on the couch.

"So, you have a new daughter? What's her name?" Sebastian asked.

"Jenna, her name is Jenna." Joe smiled as Cecile went downstairs.

"Oh, hi Barry." Cecile said.

"Babe, this is not Barry, this is Sebastian, Barry's twin." Joe said.

"It's nice to meet you Miss." Sebastian stood up and shook her hand.

"Please, Call me Cecile. I never knew Barry has a twin." Cecile said.

"Ya, no one does...we got seperated when mom died." Sebastian said, Cecile gasped.

"Oh, I am so sorry.." Cecile apologised.

"No, It's ok." Sebastian sat back down.

"Anyways Bas, what brings you to Central City?" Joe asked.

"I was wondering if I could you know reunite with my brother and father..." Sebastian smiled.

"Oh, uh..." Joe panicked, how is he going to tell Bastian about their Father being dead?

"Is something wrong?" Sebastian asked.

"Ya, but about Barry will tell you, come on." Joe stood up, so did Sebastian.

"Where are we going?"

"To your brother."

Joe and Sebastian went inside the car, Joe started to drive to Star labs.

When they arrived they both got out of the car.

"Star labs? Barry's a scientist?" Sebastian asked confused.

"No, he owns this place." Joe and Sebastian walked in the cortex.

"Hey Barry! I thought you're at work-" Chester said.

"I am not Barry." Sebastian said frustrated.

"Guys, this is Sebastian Smythe, Barry's twin." Joe introduced him.

"Twin? I never knew Barry has a twin." Chester said.

"But it's nice to meet you." Chester added.

"Wait, Barry's last name is Allen, why is yours Smythe?" Allegra asked.

"Barry and I got seperated after our mom died, He went with Joe and Iris while I went to my Uncle Richard and Aunt Clarissa, also known as the Smythes." Sebastian explained.

"Ah, I see. Well, It's nice to meet you." Allegra said.

"Thanks, so...Barry owns this place?" Sebastian looked around the cortex.

"Ya, but he works as a Forenstics Scientist at CCPD." Joe said.

"Oh..." Sebastian looked around.

"I'll call him." Joe took his phone from his pocket and dialed Barry's number.

"It's ringing." Joe said.

"Hello?" Barry said through the phone.

"Hey Barry."

"Joe? Is something wrong?" Barry asked.

"No, nothings wrong son, I just need you in Star labs- " Joe was about to finish but Barry whoosed in Star labs.

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