Chapter 28

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"Rise and shine, sleepyhead," I said as I walked into the small apartment bedroom me and Cliff had been renting for the last month, courtesy of Aaron until both of us could get jobs. I held a tray of food in one hand, and a glass of water in the other.

Cliff's eyes remained closed even after I called out to him and he rolled over to face away from me. He clearly had no intention of heeding my call, or acknowledging the fact that he really needed to get out of bed.

"Cliff, seriously," I said. "If you sleep too late, it will turn into a habit."

When he still didn't move, I placed the food on the dresser and walked over to shake his shoulder. "Cliff, get up-" Before I could prompt him another time, he grabbed onto my wrist firmly with one hand and dragged me underneath the blankets with him. I stared at him in mild surprise before frowning. "That's not funny," I said.

Cliff chuckled. "I think it's very funny," he replied, leaning in to kiss at my neck. He went on a mission of exploring the best ways to turn me on as I tried to worm away.

"Cliff, seriously," I protested. "You need to eat your breakfast."

He groaned dramatically and put his face in my shoulder. "I don't want to eat that," he said, snuggling closer to me suggestively. "What I want is right here..."

I shivered as a cold hand slid up my shirt, and finally forced him to roll over so I was sitting on him. "No," I said, making him pout. I leaned down to kiss him chastely. "That's dinner."

He grinned as he watched me stand and grab his food. I set it on the edge of the bed and told him to eat it or I would stop making him breakfast. He grumbled some more about not wanting me to go, but I left and went into the living room.

Since our escape from the mental institution, Cliff had steadily been getting better. He had been in really bad shape when we found him, but with care and attention, he was almost fully healthy again. Personally, I thought he was already as healthy as an ox and was just pulling my leg, but he was still having nightmares occasionally, and he didn't like to be left alone, so I humored him. He deserved some attention after what he had been through. As for our relationship, it had become... more interactive, I guess you could say. I could easily admit that he was my boyfriend, and I was his. As a result, we had started taking steps to further our relationship.

I wasn't living with Kevin anymore, I had left the day after we rescued Cliff. From what I was reading in my letters from Kevin, his parents were freaking out about my "disappearance" and had already reported it to the police. But they wouldn't find us, of that I was sure. I still met up with Kevin sometimes in secret, just to chat and swap stories. We intended to stay friends, even if it was a little difficult to communicate.

Rowen and Aaron had agreed to help pay for the apartment we were occupying until Cliff was better and had a good enough paying job. I got a job, but without a degree, it wasn't the best and it certainly couldn't support the both of us. We planned to buy a house and live like before when we had enough money for it, but we both knew that prospect was a long way off with many obstacles in between.

I was staring out the kitchen window, washing my coffee mug, when I heard Cliff set his dishes on the counter behind me. "You're zoning out again," he said. "What's on your mind?"

I dried my hands on a towel. "Nothing," I said.

I decided to start some laundry and grabbed the hamper with our clothes. The laundry machines were located on the first floor of the complex, so I left the apartment and walked down the stairs, balancing the large basket of clothes in my arms carefully to avoid tripping. After putting the dirty clothes into the washer and setting it to run, I headed back upstairs. I was just reaching the apartment when I heard a familiar voice.

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