Chapter 27

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"Not too fast," Aaron cautioned as we hurried down the hall, heading towards the doors to the staircase.

"This is why we took the elevator," Rowen said with a laugh as we took the steps two at a time.

At the second level, however, an alarm started blaring. We all stopped in our tracks.

"What's that?" Kevin asked.

"This is why I tried to keep you guys from running down the hall," Aaron said, suddenly looking nervous. "There are sensors on the walls that catch any sudden movements and report it to the security room."

Just then, there was a loud clicking and we realized the doors to the stairs were locking floor by floor. "We've got to go!" Rowen said, pushing us back up to the closest door as fast as we could.

We ran back into a long white hallway on the second floor, now without an exit. Aaron told us to hurry, but I was still supporting most of Cliff's weight and I couldn't go as fast as the others. As everyone else began to run, I struggled to keep up. "Guys, wait!" I said, barely keeping Cliff, who was exhausted, on his own feet. "I could use some help!"

Aaron turned back to help me and lifted Cliff's other side. We moved as fast as we could, looking for some way out of the building, but the elevators and stairs were locked, making them useless. There were a few small windows, but with Cliff in this condition there was no way we could jump.

Aaron groaned. "I need to get to my laptop."

We could hear shouts as gaurds rushed up the stairs and started searching the floors. With nowhere else to go, I made a quick decision and pushed everyone into a room on the far side of the second floor. I pulled the door shut behind us and turned to look at the others.

"What are you doing?!" Rowen asked, clearly agitated. "Now we're sitting ducks!"

I lowered Cliff to a sitting position. "We were already sitting ducks," I said. "Besides, this way Aaron can find a way out without us all standing in the open."

Though Rowen still seemed annoyed with this course of action, Aaron nodded and started typing on his laptop. "Looks like they're locking everything and they are probably evacuating the doctors too. We're on level two and they appear to be on level one," he explained.

Aaron began typing furiously, and by the time he was done, we could hear them running by the door to our hiding place. "They'll start checking rooms soon," Rowen warned with a scowl. "Then what are we gonna do? Huh?"

As Aaron finished whatever it was he had been doing, he snapped his laptop closed. "I got it. I unlocked a few doors and started up some alarms in another area. This should give us the opening we need to get down to the first level and out of the building quick enough to get away."

"Then let's go!" Rowen demanded, pushing us towards the door.

We left the room and started back towards the stairs under Aaron's instructions. "Take a right," he directed. "Left. Alright, it's just up ahead."

The stair doors were right in front of us; we had a clear shot to our exit. However, just as we got to the doors, we heard a shout. "They're over here!"

One of the security guards had spotted us as he rounded a corner. He grabbed for his Taser and ran towards us. Rowen shoved Kevin, Cliff, and I in the direction of the stairs. "You guys keep going. I'll take him and meet you at the car."

Aaron stood at his side. "I'll help," he said. He turned to me. "Take Cliff and your friend, and get out of here. If you hurry, there shouldn't be anyone to stop you."

Kidnapped by a Killer (Edited Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt