The Pregnancy

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At this point I know I'm pregnant and so does Edwards entire family. My family on the other hand believe I'm in a hospital dying from some disease.

We don't know at what rate this pregnancy is moving but it's fast, faster than most. I'm growing everyday but at nor recordable patterns. I'm barely eating because the baby doesn't want me too.

The phone rings and everyone shifts uncomfortably. Charlie has been calling trying to get updates. I cringe thinking that I'll have to take my own death soon. Edward go's to answer.

His reaction isn't what it usually is when Charlie calls. "She doesn't need to speak to you right now" he cringes hanging up the phone.

"Was that Jacob?" I ask

"He doesn't need to be hear" he says leaving the room

"I WANT to see him!" I say "before he hates me, before I change".

-Later That Afternoon-


Even though I gave her the choice and told her I would want nothing to do with her, I love her. I will ALWAYS love Bella. I don't care what that mosquito says I'm seeing Bella,

I run through the Forrest until I reach my destination. The Cullen house. I shift uncontrollably inking about being in a house full of blood suckers. Then a even happier thought hits me, Bella. With that thought in mind I trudge to the door.

With out even knocking Alice opens the door. Standing half a foot shorter than me she still attempts to be intimidating.

"Bella doesn't want to see you, dog" she says obviously trying to crush my spirit

"Hey? Alice? Is that Jacob? I want to see him"

I smile and push past her. I've only been in here once before and don't remember much. I see the doctor. Carlyle i think smiling at the top of the steps.

"Welcome to our home Jacob, we are glad to see you" he says gesturing to Bella. I smile at her and walk towards her. She is pale, her eyes sucked into her skull, and skinnier than ever.

The minute where left alone she takes the blanket off and I see it. The only thing about her that seems to have life. Her stomach.

"Pregnant?" I ask in disbelief

She just nods. I smile trying to act ok with it. I still love her. I bed down on the floor nest to here and hug her.

"Bella you look...terrible." I kid trying to lighten the mood.

I sat in the other room listening to there conversation. The whole thing sends pain down my spine. I know that Bella loves me, but I can't help but think she loves Jacob as well.

Later a while I hear soft snores. It's been hours. What is taking them so long. I walk into my living warm. I see the thing I've always dreaded. Them wrapped around each other.

The worst part is Bella seems happier, happier then she's been for a while, all because of him.

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