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I open Kimi's Hall closet and grab one of her blankets. Ha. I'll use her panda one; I'm sure she won't mind. I guess I'll sleep on the couch in her living room. I turn and put the blanket on the couch and grab my duffle bag with my hygiene stuff.

Before I get ready to wash up, I pull out my phone and look at my lock screen of Kimi, Julius and I at one of the Gameraza conventions they held. We took this picture before we met some of the other stream teams and some of our fans. Gameraza was barely beginning at the time.

Kimi always has the biggest smile in her pictures. Julius rarely shows his teeth when he smiles in pictures, but he did in this one. I was smiling as I had my arm around Kimi's waist. My eyes feel like they're on fire, so I wipe them before I put my phone down. Get a grip dude. Don't take that shit so personal. Julius was talking shit because he's thinking with the wrong head right now.

I lock the bathroom door and begin to wash my face. After I finish, I dry my face with one of Kimi's face towels she has under the sink. I take my shirt off and let my hair down, then I lean over the bathroom counter as I stare at my reflection.

Dante, what are you doing man? You know damn well you're pissed off. Just let it out dude. 

I take a deep breath. Then I let it out slowly.  

No. I can't. Julius and Kimi can walk in any second. They'll know that I know and it's going to be endless drama. We don't need that shit right now. Hold it together, D. Play it cool, and take her out on a date before you head back home. No more pussy footing around.

I stand straight and before I open the bathroom door, I hear the front door open and voices. It sounds like Kimi and Julius just came back in finally.

"Dante, where you at bro? You know you're sleeping on the floor, and I got the couch."

I open the bathroom door and walk into the living room shirtless. Kimi's eyes widen as she notices my body. She sets her dog Cupcake down and takes the leash off her collar. The cute, four-legged fur baby makes her way to her bed in the corner of the living room. I guess she is ready for bed.

"Yo, put a shirt on dude! No one wants to see you half naked." Julius throws his hands up as if he was getting blinded by the sun.

I snicker as I walk by Kimi to sit down on the couch. "I beg to differ; I think Kimi likes what she see's or she wouldn't be blushing."

Kimi's face turns red, and she turns her face away from both of us.

"Well, goodnight you two, where's Mari? Is she already asleep?" Kimi looks around the room and opens her bedroom door.

"She went outside and took a phone call. I think she said she was calling Tony. You guys didn't see her when you walked back in?"

A couple seconds later, all three of our phones' notifications go off. It's a text from MG.

Hey, Tony picked me up. We're going to hang out for a bit. Don't wait up, I promise I won't be out too late. XO

All of us look at each other with a puzzled look.

"MG and Tony are hanging out this late? It's literally past midnight. It's almost 1."

Kimi crosses her arms and looks at both Julius and I. "I mean, it's not like she is a child with a curfew. Julius, do you mind if she calls you and you unlock the door for her?"

"Sure, no problem Thiccums. Good night. If you get lonely, I'm down to cuddle!"

"Nope, you're my cuddle buddy tonight big guy." I put my arm around Julius, and he laughs as he pushes me away.

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