Chapter 2

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After a night in a cute little hotel, I wander around the tiny town of Ellisburg. The morning air is crisp and smells fresh and clean. I make a mental note to buy myself some cold weather clothes. I smile to myself at the thought.

The town is beautiful, welcoming. It feels like home in a way that New Mexico never did. I see the sign for a diner and cross the street, smiling at the only stoplight I've seen since I got here. The diner is a faded blue with white lettering, named Betty's. I walk in and the sound of a bell jingling greets me. I'm practically giddy at the ambiance, mismatched tables and chairs taking up the small space. But it's bright, each wall made up of mostly windows.

"Pick anywhere, sweetie." An older lady wearing a white apron says, motioning towards the tables. I give her my brightest smile and pull out a chair at a two seater by a window with a view of the town. The older lady bustles over to my table and pours me a glass of water while smiling at me.

"Name's Betty. Not sure I've seen you here before. Just visiting?" She asks and I shrug.

"I'm not sure yet. I just... needed to get away." I say, not able to hide the tint of sadness in my voice as shame spirals through me. My weakness an embarrassment. Betty stills for a moment, a knowing look spreading across her face.

"Whatever you need, just ask." She says and I nod, a sudden bout of emotion clogging my throat at this strangers kindness.

"I'm a teacher. Is there a school here?" I ask. Betty looks contemplative for a moment before her face lights up with excitement.

"Actually yes. And Mrs. Van Vossen just retired this year. She taught second grade. They've had a heck of a time filling her slot." Betty says. A jolt of  hope runs through me, my mood instantly brightening. I normally teach fifth grade, but I could make a change. "Let me give you the number for Harold Blackburn. He's the principal. Just tell him Betty sent you." She says, writing out something on her order pad before ripping the little paper and handing it to me.

"Thank you so much." I say quietly, not able to stop the lone tear from tracking down my face before I can swipe it away. I take a few deep breaths to calm my raucous emotions as Betty gives me an empathetic smile and pats my shoulder.

"Never let a man dampen your sparkle." She whispers to me. "I did once. Never again." She adds and I nod, sharing a moment of solidarity before she takes a heavy breath.

"I don't suppose you'd know of any places for rent as well?" I ask.

"Not off the top of my head, but I'll ask around for you. Stop by again tomorrow." She says firmly and I nod.

"It's beautiful here." I say and she grins.

"It is. I have a feeling you'd do well here. Plus you're cute as a bug and I wanna keep you." She says brightly making me giggle. I still hadn't looked at the menu yet, so I pick it up, only to have Betty snatch it from me.

"You don't need that. I know just what you need. Sit tight, my little bug. I'll be right back." She says warmly and I watch as she ambles away.

I take a sip of water and people watch out the window. I watch as a little gathering of boys leave a shop, what looks like a candy store. Their excited voices travel down the street making me smile as they disappear around a corner. I sigh a little and pull out my new phone as well as the paper I had written all of the important phone numbers on. I started adding them, one by one. My mom, dad, sister, and a couple of my best friends from home. I hoped they were still my friends, anyway. I had pushed them away. It was too hard to bear the brunt of Joel's anger when I would spend time with them, so I started turning down invitations. Making up excuses. It hadn't gone unnoticed. I type out a quick text to my mom, telling her I left Joel. That I'm safe. She doesn't answer right away and I slip the phone back in my pocket just as Betty makes her way back to my table.

"Here we go, sweet bug. Just what you need. Blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes, a side of bacon and hashbrowns, and a vanilla iced coffee to finish it out." She says proudly. My mouth drops at the amount of food, but then the smell hits my nose and it starts to water instead.

"How did you know I would love this?" I ask, awe coloring my tone.

"It's a gift, dear. A gift." She says. The jingle of the door grabs her attention and she turns to walk away just as I dig into my food.

"Hey, Noah. Pick a seat." I hear her say. My eyes pop up and I'm momentarily stunned.

A large man wearing a black hoodie and dirty jeans sits down at the table across from mine so he's facing me. He pulls his stocking hat off, running his large hand through his dark black hair. Even in the middle of winter his skin is tanned and when his eyes meet mine, they're a dark brown. They widen for a moment when he sees me, but then his face turns into a scowl. I realize then that I'm staring and drop my eyes to my plate, shoving a bite of pancake in my mouth. I can't stop the involuntary moan that leaves me when the sweet, buttery concoction melts in my mouth.

"Told ya." Betty says with a smile when she passes my table.

"I'll never doubt your gift again. I swear." I say around a mouthful of food making her giggle.

"The usual, Noah?" She asks and he nods.

"How's business?" She asks.

"Fine." He says, the deep timber of his voice floating across the small space to me.

"And your Gran?" She asks.

"She's good." He says and Betty nods.

"I hear you got an old Mustang in." Betty says as she pours him a cup of black coffee.

"Yep." He responds, his tone clipped.

"Gosh, Noah. My back is hurting from carrying the weight of this conversation." Betty snarks, putting her hand on her hip. I can't help but snort, making myself cough on a bite of bacon and the man, Noah apparently, scowls at me again. Betty takes off back towards the kitchen, leaving me essentially alone with the brooding man in the corner.

His eyes move out to the window and he doesn't say anything else, but that doesn't stop the sudden heaviness that filters into the diner. The air around us suddenly feels hot and uncomfortable. I take a deep breath, focusing on stuffing my face as fast as I can so I can get out of here. I try not to look at him, but my eyes won't stop glancing at his face. His strong jaw, smooth, clean shaven skin, sharp nose. Even the grit on his hands makes him more appealing.

I finish my food in record time, gulping down my coffee and start bouncing my leg as I wait impatiently for Betty to bring me my check. She comes back out and puts a plate full of food in front of Noah. I hear him mutter a quiet thank you before she turns her attention back on me.

"Well goodness, little bug. You must have been hungry." She says, eyeing my empty plate.

"It was just really good." I answer and she beams a smile at me. "But I'd like to get going so I can make that call. Could I get the check?" I ask and Betty shakes her head.

"First visits on the house." She says.

"Oh, no that's okay. I can pay." I say and she levels me with a firm look.

"You will do no such thing. And don't forget what I said. Come back tomorrow." She says firmly.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods.

"Damn sure. Now scoot. I'll see you tomorrow, sweetie." She says just as a timer goes off in the back and she hurries to the kitchen.

With her gone I take the opportunity to grab a bunch of cash from my purse and leave it on the table. I look up at Noah to see him watching me with a curious look on his face. I smile brightly at him, but his face transforms into a harsh picture of annoyance. For some reason it makes a flash of anger go through me.

Fuck this guy.

I huff and scowl back, grabbing my purse and hurrying out of the diner without so much as a glance back.

If he wants to be a dick, I'll just stay away from him. I'm never letting a man dampen my sparkle again. No matter how gorgeous he is.

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