Chapter 3: Hiding in the sun

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Y/n woke up 30 minutes before dawn. She fixed herself up, she quickly texted Wilbur to not tell eret she was working with them and that she would visit in a Phoenix form. 

She went to punz's kitchen and made her a quick breakfast. She writes a note that said 

Im going to spy on L'man-child-berg. I should be back before the sun hits noon 

She went back into her room and stripped naked. It was a pain to replace her clothes and what was the point of staying dressed when her clothes fall off anyway when she shifts? 

She stood in her room, thankful it was made out of quartz and Blackstone and shifted. 

The feeling of shifting into an animal was different for everyone, but for her, it felt as if she were burning from the inside out as she got shorter and lost limbs but gained deadly wings and a threatening glow around her body of fire. 

She cawed loudly and flew out her open window as she heard footsteps rush up to her room. 

She glided through the dawn and to the walls of l'manberg where her brothers stood waiting. 

Wilbur quickly threw down his jacket and they all turned while Y/n shifted back unto her human form and covered her naked body with the jacket. 

"You have a traitor." She said "Someone called Eret, Whatever you do, do NOT reveal me to them. They'll tell on me and I won't be able to get information. Tommy, Tubbo I love you but for once please shut your big mouths." 

They nodded as they look back at the girl's curled-up figure. "Are you going to be okay?" Wilbur asked 

"I'm sure will. Don't worry about me, and get some supplies, They're stacked and they practically have a god on their side." She said, "But I need info, useless info but still information nonetheless, to tell them." 

"Just say it was too early for all of us to be awake and up and going," Wilbur said, "It's like 5 am." 

"Okay." She said nodding "I must go, it's going to be hard going back home in an undetected Pheonix form." 

"Go. Good luck." Wilbur said 

"Bye boys, stay safe." She said as they turned back around and she threw the jacket off shifting back into a bird and flying away 

She flew back to her room, acting disappointed, but when she got there she saw all of the boys. 

"Oh fuck." She thought 

"Where the fuck were you?" Sapnap asked obviously outraged 

She only squawked at him and stood on the window sill. It's quite embarrassing to be naked in front of people especially when you have to be human to talk. 

"Why aren't you answering?" Punz asked 

"Animals can't talk. Maybe she has to shift back?" Dream suggested 

In her bird form, she nodded frantically. Although she couldn't communicate verbally, she could definitely use her 'body' language to convey what she means 

"Then shift back," Sapnap demanded 

They all looked at her expectantly, and she rolled her eyes. She hopped on her bed and grabbed her cover and hoped not to burn it. She dragged it to a corner and draped it over herself as she shifted back. 

"I hope you guys know how embarrassing it is to be naked in front of people you barely know." She grumbled as she popped her head out of the cover and stood to wrap it around her body 

"Ah-" George mumbled, "But I thought, shifters kept their clothes on?" 

"Not all. Because of my fire, it's hard to shift when my clothes can burn." She said, "Didn't you question why my clothes were on my bed?" 

Ashes (A Sapnap x Fem! Reader story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon