"Why don't you look at me?" He asked and crouched

"Are you the one giving me my things?" She responded

"Well no? But I am one of the people, but you also need to work for it." Punz stated keeping his hands to himself

"How?" She asked and crossed her legs looking down on him, her eyes glowing a slight gold color for its regular e/c

That in itself kind of freaked punz out so he stood and backed away from her. "What are you?" He asked

"Who am I." She corrected "I am Phoenix, and you will address me as such. I will be the one to help you win."

He narrowed his eyes and walked away. "How rude." He mumbled

"Damn right I am." She said

He tensed and walked faster out of the room. She heard murmurs and heard someone storm in.

She was picked up by the straps of her vest and looked up at her captor.

It was, what was his name, sapnap who help her. Although it did nothing, she was basically the same height as him.

"What the hell did you do to Punz?" He asked his voice a growl with his eyes narrowed in anger

"What's it to you?" She asked crossing her arms

"You know, if you're not going to be cooperative then we will kick you out." Sapnap threatened

"Do it!" She growled back "You'll lose this war without me. I can and will beat you all."

"Sapnap!" Dream yelled as he ran in and pulled the two of them apart "What the hell are you going?!"

"Teaching her a lesson! She's being rude to Punz!" Sapnap roared

"He's lying. I, technically, did nothing to him. He asked what I could do, I told him and he asked why I didn't look at him. So I answered and he walked off calling me rude." She said, "then he runs in, grass me by my shirt, and Starts yelling that you will kick me out if I'm not 'Cooperative'."

"Punz told me she threatened him!" Sapnap defended

"I told you her eyes look threatening. They looked like a fire was set ablaze and she was controlling it." Punz said, "It was Terrifying."

"Well, of course! I'm a Phoenix shifter. If I can't control fire, who will?" She said

"I thought all Pheonix shifters died?" George said

"Huh- If I were dead, I'd guess that be a relief." She said rolling her eyes "I'm the last one. I got my mother's genes, lucky me. I could have been a ram shifter."

"This is useful." Dream said, "We can use her fire to our advantage."

"How so? Fire is destructive if not contained." Punz reasoned

"Punz is correct. Fire is unpredictable and can burn you if you trust it too much." She said, "Fire is not something to play with."

"But we can trust you? Right Pheonix?" George asked

"If you want. I can't force you to trust me. Trust is something that's earned. That's what my father tells me." Y/n stated

"Agreed. How do we know she won't betray us? She might be a spy like Eret." Sapnap spoke up eyes hardened "We saw how Nice she was to the L'man-child-bergians."

"Because, she chose us, instead of them. A simple deal wouldn't have changed her mind if they were actually close." Dream said

"He has a good point Sapnap." George said "why would she join us? If she knew them, why wouldn't she side with them?"

"Because we have money!" Sapnap said, "she's using us!"

"She's making for supplies and support because she just joined. There's nothing wrong with asking for help." Dream said "She probably wouldn't have asked if you didn't touch her in the first place!

"I- ugh!" The black-haired male stormed off in a fit of rage

This made the girl smirk for a half-second before frowning.

"I'm sorry if I made him mad, but my eyes tend to naturally do that when I'm frustrated." She explained "You have to understand, I'm new and unfamiliar as well as hungry! I haven't eaten in quite a while."

She laughed lightly at her statement. "Thank you for sticking up for me. I have no idea what's going on with him and why he doesn't like me." She said grinning at Dream, George, and Punz "By the way, Sapnap mentioned an Eret? Who are they?"

"Eret is a spy in L'man-child-berg. We promised him kingship if he infiltrated them for us." Dream said

"Interesting, will I ever get to meet this eret?" She asked them

"Possibly soon. I don't know." Dream said, "He tends to not visit us often in case there's someone on the other side watching."

"Oh! That makes sense, we don't need them figuring out they have a traitor." She said with a nod

"Yeah. That would be bad." George said and gave her a few pork chops to eat

"Thank you for the food." She said with a nod "Is there anything I need to know before anything goes on?"

"This war is not just for L'man-child-berg's "freedom" but also for something Tommy haves that I want. He has two discs, Mellohi and Cat. I want them both." Dream said his eyes looked like they were glowing under his mask

"Hmm. I see, but those are important why?" She asked

"They give me power over Tommy." He said, "I don't want him dead, I just want the power to control him."

"Okay." She nodded and crossed her legs, she wanted to narrow her eyes but didn't

"You can go out now and spy on what they are doing." George suggested "Right?"

"Unfortunately, I am a bird of fire. I'll stand out too much in the night. It's better to leave at daybreak." She said "The rays of the sun will soon cover and provide for me."

Ashes (A Sapnap x Fem! Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now