Chapter 1: Wakey wakey eggs and bakey

Start from the beginning

Tommy loudly opened Bitzel and Luke's door.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" He screamed. He quickly turned around and shut the door.

Tommy returned to his room to grab his clothes. Sometimes, being the leader was hard. What wasn't hard was always getting first dibs on the shower.

They didn't exactly live in a 5-star-apartment, but it wasn't the worst. They had hot water most of the time, except for Deo, who always took the last shower.

After Tommy got out of the shower he casually threw his door open. He then walked to Deo's bed and jumped on him.

A hand came up to bat him away. Tommy, naturally, leaned against Deo's back.

"Quit it, I'm comfortable." Tommy hit Deo's hand away.

He heard an annoyed grumble coming from under him.

"Get up, Luke's cooking."

Deo's head perked up at this. Luke was certainly the best chef in their house.

Tommy, trusting he woke Deo up effectively, got off the bed, and in turn Deo.

"See you in five, loser."

He could see Deo half-heartedly flip him off, and Tommy laughed.

"What did you do this time?" Luke asked from the kitchen, waving his spatula around.

"Sat on him."

He could feel Luke roll his eyes. Tommy flooped himself onto the couch. He flipped through a couple channels. Cartoon, reality TV. All boring. Heroes!

Tommy loved heroes. But who he loved more were the villains. Now, Tommy wasn't okay with the whole, hurting innocent people, blah blah blah. They were just cool! They had a backstory, were mysterious, and most of all, they had sick costumes. Like look at Bee Boy, that hero, lame, Tommy could make a better costume than that stupid bee outfit! But look at Whisper, Whisper was sick. His outfit, stylish. His humor, hilarious.

Also the villains didn't screw him and his friends over. Powers weren't exactly a rare thing, but they weren't all that common! Imagine the crime fighting him and his boys could do. Bitzel swinging through buildings with his awesome monkey tail and agility. Deo pulling a sword out of nowhere and beating the bad guys up. Luke giving the heroes intel on future battles. And him, gliding around, leading his team to victory.

But no, their powers were "useless" and they would only be in danger. Bunch of bull-

"Get your head out of the clouds," a voice from beside him said.

Tommy looked over, pulled from his hating fantasies. Bitzel sat beside him munching on some bacon.

"Luke in the shower?"


"Good, we gotta get going soon. Don't want to be late."

"Chill Tommy, we'll probably get the job. Glob knows we act like a bunch of clowns."

Tommy let out a snort. Today was the big day, well the most recent big day, another day, another job am I right?

"We've been running low on cash, you all know that. We don't have room to screw this job over, alright?"

"Aye aye captain," Bitzel said sarcastically, but Tommy knew he was taking it seriously.

Tommy watched Luke and Deo come out at the same time, finally. They then all held hands, bowing their heads down. It was silent. Utterly silent. That was wrong.

He saw Deo harshly knee Bitzel and had to smother a laugh.

"Ah right. Hello, Lord Glob. We humbly ask for assistance," he paused, "er, no! Your blessing and help in getting this job."

The others nodded their heads. This encouraged Bitzel to go on.

"I know we ask this a lot. But I really think this one will work! It's perfect for our skills."

Bitzel then dropped the hands. He usually led their prayers, he was the closest to their god.

"POGCHAMP!" Tommy yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

Deo laughed and clapped Bitzel on the shoulder, "Nice job."

Luke let out a cheer then scrunched his nose up.

"Gross Deo, go take your shower."

Deo looked about ready to tackle Luke, but they had no time for that.

"Boys! Boys! Stop fighting, we're going to be late!" Tommy yelled.

This put Deo and Luke into action. Luke grabbing food, and Deo running off to take a shower.

Tommy and Bitzel shared a look, before returning to the TV.

They were finally all ready. They wore their matching suits, even matching ties.

"Wait, wait, we have to get a picture of this," Luke said.

Tommy sarcastically rolled his eyes, but got their one phone from his pocket. "Cheese."

Luke and Bitzel gave wide, toothy smiles, while Deo deadpanned at the camera.

"Perfect!" Tommy clapped. "Let's get a move on then."

The procession of fancied up boys left the building. Sure, Darla, their neighbor, gave them some odd looks. Nothing unusual.

The boys walked through the lower parts of essempee, dubbed Logstedshire. The carnival was up in the middle area of the city, L'Manburg.

They assumed it would be a 40 minute walk, they Hd no money to waste on driving.

Lively chatter filled the air between them.

35 minutes later they reached the entrance of the carnival.

Glob, it was big.


Notes: Tysm for reading!

Any ideas on what hybrid Tommy is?

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