20. In love

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Jennie unlocked the door and they both went inside the basement.

When they turned on the lights, their eyes widened. Both of them were at the verge of tears.

They saw Y/n lying on the floor with her badly bruised body. Blood was dripping from her lips and forehead. She was unconscious. Jisoo and Jennie panicked.

They both sat down beside her and started shaking her but she wasn't opening her eyes. Jisoo called the bodyguard and asked him to pick her up. But he didn't move.

'Man, what's wrong with you huh? Why aren't you picking her up?' Jisoo asked, shouting. 'Ma’am, boss said no one can touch her except him.' The bodyguard said and Jisoo shook her head.

'But how did this happen?' Jennie asked but the bodyguard said he doesn't know anything. 'Tae will not say anything just take her to Tae's room.' Jennie said and bodyguard took her to the room.

Jennie called the doctor and doctor came. He checked her. 'She's beaten up by something hard, someone did it without any mercy, I'm giving medicine and make sure she takes it on time, and I've put bandages too. Change them after 2 days.' The doctor said and made his way out.

'If Tae didn't lock her in the basement, this wouldn't have happened.' Jisoo said, she was mad at Tae. Jennie sat on the bed and started caressing Y/n's hair.

'She's innocent, why she's suffering so much?' Jennie asked to Jisoo. 'I don't know Jennie, but who could do this? That person isn't scared of Tae that's why he or she did that.' Jisoo said and Jennie agreed with her.

'I'll call Tae,' Jisoo said, 'and he'll realize the mistake he did.' She finished while dialing his number. Tae picked up the call.


'What do you want?' Tae asked.

'JUST COME HERE, YOU MADE A MISTAKE BUT SOMEONE ELSE IS SUFFERING!' Jisoo lashed out after hearing his calm voice.

'What are you talking about?' Tae said not knowing what she mean by that.

'COME BACK RIGHT NOW, YOU'LL SEE WHAT YOU DID!' Jisoo shouted, anger present in her voice.

She then hung up.

Taehyung's pov

Why she was shouting and what mistake did I do? Something happened that's why she's acting like that. I should go there.

'Jin Hyung, Jisoo called and asked us to come home fast, something's important.' He said and all of them agreed to go home.

After 30 mins

They entered the house and Tae was about to go to his room. 'Stop there.' Jisoo said with a stern voice. He looked at her with 'what's wrong' look. She shows him her phone. His eyes widened after seeing her phone. She showed him the picture of Y/n with bruises and cuts.

'H-how did t-this happened?' Tae asked with his shaky voice. 'We don't know but it's your fault' Jisoo said and Tae was confused. 'Leave these things, I wanna see her.' He said and rushed towards his room. He was about to open the room's door Jennie stopped him.

'You can't go.' Jennie said. 'Why? I wanna meet her, she isn't okay.' He said and Jennie laughed. 'Seriously? You locked her in the basement and this happened because of that, more like because of you and now acting like you care?' Jennie asked.

'Just shut up Jennie, please let me go and see her.' He said, more like pleading to meet her. 'Taehyung, I'm saying it for the last time. Just go away. You always make her suffer and act like all that was just a mistake?' Jennie said as she was angry and upset with him.

'If Jennie and I didn't go to give her food then she would lie on the cold floor with bruises all over her body whole night.' Jisoo said and he looked down, realising his mistake.

All other members were standing there. They didn't say anything as they want Tae to realise what he did was wrong.

'Jimin, Tae will sleep in your room.' Jisoo said and Jimin nodded. He took Tae to his room.

Jimin's room

'Hyung, why you lock her in the basement?' Jimin asked and Tae ignored him. He lay down on the bed, back facing Jimin. Jimin sighed and also lay down and fell asleep.

After 2 hours

2 hours passed by but Tae couldn't sleep as he kept thinking about Y/n. 'I'll meet her, no one can stop me.' He said to himself and without making any noise he went outside the room.

He saw Jisoo and Jennie going to their rooms to sleep after checking on Y/n. He hid behind the wall so they couldn't see him. He waited for them to pass by.

When they were gone, he made his to the room where Y/n was. He tried opening the door but it was locked. He took out spare key of his room and unlocked the door.

He entered the room and saw Y/n. His eyes turned soft. She was still unconscious. Because of moonlight her face was shining but that shine didn't last long when he saw her bruises.

He felt like his heart broke into million pieces. He sat down on the bed and caressed her hair. She flinched when his hand accidentally touched her bruises. 'Omg, I'm so sorry.' He whispered but he realised that she's still unconscious.

'I'm sorry, Y/n.' He said as his eyes filled with tears. 'Don't think I'm crying, my eyes are just releasing water cause I haven't cleaned my eyes in years.' He said, not admitting that he was crying.

Suddenly, his soft expression changed to an angry one. 'But who the heck did this? Don't worry Y/n, I'll find that person soon.' He said and lay down beside her. He hugged her and slept like that.

Next morning

Jisoo opened the door of her room. To her surprise it wasn't locked. Jennie and Jisoo looked towards each other. 'How?' Jennie said and Jisoo shrugged it off.

They both entered inside the room and their eyes widened. TaEhYuNg WaS CudDLiNg Y/N. They both were shocked.

Jennie walked near to bed and saw Tae's face. He was smiling but there were dry tears on his face and his eyes were swollen. It didn't took long for her to realise that he cried. Jisoo was shocked.

'I guess he's in love.' Jennie said and Jisoo hugged her. They both started jumping while hugging. 'Click their picture.’ Jisoo said and Jennie clicked their picture in that position.

They both ran towards dining area. Jennie called everyone except Tae. They all came down with their sleepy face. 'Jennie, why you called us here?' Jimin asked while yawning. 'Just bark it already' Suga said and Jennie rolled her eyes.

'Look here.' She said and showed them the picture of Tae cuddling Y/n. 'What’s so special in this? It's just a couple cuddling.' Suga said and Jimin flicked his head. 'Open your eyes properly man.' Jimin said.

Suga saw it was TAE AND Y/N. 'OMGGG! WHEN? HOW? WHERE? WHY?' Suga said as he was too happy. 'Man, he's in love' Jungkook said and all of them smiled widely.

Jin was smiling like a pig but he got a call. He picked it up and his eyes widened. The person from the other side said 'y/n-...’

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