Bruce blinked in surprise. "Forgive me but you don't strike me as the type of person to have a daughter," he stated.

Natasha couldn't help but chuckle slightly, it was those words that Tony Stark had told her. "Yeah, I have been told that before," she paused as she reached in her pocket for her phone, pulling up a picture that she had taken recently, "This is my daughter Amelia, she's 9 now," she told him.

Bruce smiled. "Cute kid, she looks a lot like you," he stated.

Natasha's smile faltered and she shoved her phone back into her pocket. "You should buckle in, Doctor. We're almost ready to take off now," she told him before she walked over to the front of the Quinjet.

"MARIA!" Amelia exclaimed, stepping off the ramp where she spotted the brunette agent waiting for her arrival. The 9-year-old excitedly ran towards the older woman, into her waiting arms.

"Millie!" Maria called out as she scooped the child up into her arms. "Are you okay? Kid, I was so worried about you!" she said alarmed.

Amelia couldn't help but giggle slightly. "I'm okay... I was just scared," she mumbled into the brunette's shoulder. "Has my mama come back yet?" she questioned anxiously, all she wanted to do was see the redheaded woman.

Maria smiled and placed the child back onto the ground. "Not yet I'm afraid, kid but I don't think she will too much longer," she told the girl truthfully. "How about we head inside and then we can-- Whoa, Bobbi! What happened to your arm?" she questioned, catching a glance at the blonde's arm with the teeth marks indented.

"It's fine commander Hill," Bobbi waved the injury off like it wasn't anything. "It happened during the attack yesterday when Millie got a bit upset," she explained briefly.

Maria exhaled a sigh and looked at the 9-year-old who was now standing in front of her after she had put her down on the ground. "Millie, why did you bite Bobbi?" she asked firmly.

"I was scared and wanted to go to uncle Clint," Amelia told the brunette woman.

"It's nothing Hill. It's barely even a scratch at all," Bobbi told the woman, she knew that Amelia hadn't meant to do that but she was just scared at the time.

Maria shook her head dismissively. "Bobbi, I can see the teeth marks on your arm. It's a bit more than just a scratch. What happened?" she questioned the blonde.

"Well, Coulson got me to take Amelia to the base for safety but Millie was scared and wanted to be let down to run to Clint, obviously I couldn't let that happen because of the different reasons," Bobbi explained to the brunette who nodded. "And well, yeah, that happened," she motioned towards her arm.

"Right. I understand," Maria agreed in understanding and then looked down at the girl. "Millie, I know you were scared but you cannot bite people. We've already been over this when you bit Hunter, remember? I know your mama has spoken to you about it before as well," she told her firmly.

"I know. I didn't mean to but I was scared," Amelia said with a pout on her face.

Maria smiled and pouted her shoulder. "I know that you were scared kid but regardless of that, no more biting anybody else, alright?" she told her.

"Got it," Amelia agreed reluctantly.

"Good. Alright, let's head inside and we can hang out until your mama gets back," Maria suggested to the small girl.

Amelia let out a sigh dramatically and shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose that I don't have much of a choice, do I?" she responded.

"Your mama never told me that you have gotten a lot cheekier over the last year," Maria stated as she raised her eyebrow.

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