He left the ladies to take care of the house. With Sbahle around he trusts her way more better than anyone else. What the hell was he thinking bringing someone from the outside. He shakes his head grabbing his file and reads through. He looks around his office and smiles not believing that he is here. He made it. Khoza though. Look at him blushing over another man!
"Why the hell."
He is definitely straight!
The alarm beeps. He looks at the laptop CCTV screen closely.
"Come in." What ever is knocking is disturbing his detective mode.
"We have a break in Nduna." One of the security say.
"Gather the team and let's go." He says standing up. He looks at his loaded gun, puts his bulletproof on and tucks his gun behind. He steps out of the office to go join his him.


“Are you good?” Tazz asks Thandeka who looks pained. She sniffs and bursts into tears.
“Talk to me ntokazi.” He swallows hard.
“I won't be able to have kids in the future. I am just as good as useless. Imagine having everything in life but failing to have a child. My life will never be the same again.” She sobs even harder.
He stands there looking at her. He sighs in annoyance. As much as it hurt, she had to push herself right down his through – but on the other hand it worked in his favor. Imagine if Sisipho was shot along with the baby. Now that, he would have never forgiven himself.
“Tazz! I'm talking to you.”
“Huh, sorry you were saying?” He completely zoned out while she was talking. That happens a lot when his mind and heart shut down. He just randomly thinks about her, her smile, laugh and the way she talked. She had a dark past yes, but all in all she was a great woman to be around with. Easy to love and very annoying in some ways.
“I have been talking all this while you were thinking only God knows what!”
“I just have a lot on my mind.” He lies. Yes, he does have some issues at hand but it does not affect him in any way. Because Sisipho is not in the picture with one of his troubles.
“I do not understand why you are being so cold towards me, yet you were the one who agreed to my proposal for us trying this dating game again. But…”
“Can you just shut up for a minute! Yes, you pushed yourself down my throat and I do not know for what reason. Was it to spike Sisipho?” He half shouts attracting eyes. “Yes, she is pregnant with your brother's child, so what? I loved that woman because she was a natural crazy, fun to be around with and defiantly not a nagging type. Have you ever wondered why she has not contacted me after the stunt of you sending her pictures of us sleeping naked? Because she a woman who chooses her fight wisely. She fights her battle with dignity. Unlike you who is very much desperate…you know what. I'm tired.” He walks out leaving her leaving her astonished. He hops in his Tazz and roughly closes the door.

Meanwhile inside the hospital Thandeka was staring into thin space. Tazz and her never had that really romantic relationship. It was all about sex and more sex. At the back of her head, she thought that they were defiantly dating. Looks like she had her hopes wrong.
Tears blind her vision as she sighs in a heavy heart. She takes a deep breath with the pains shooting pains on her lower abdomen.
She sees her brother Lungisani with his wife. The smile on his face made her smile forgetting the pain she was in.
“Buti.” She tries sitting up straight but flinches due to the massive pain.
“Sisi,” he sides hug her. He takes a deep breath and steps back shoving his hands in his pockets.
“So, how are you?” he asks.
“I don’t know. Hurt.” She shrugs her shoulders.
“Was that Tazz that was passing by?”
“I thought you guys broke up. Wait, is he not dating Sisipho?”
“They broke up.”
She doesn’t know where this conversation is going because it is very much annoying her.
“I see.” He clears his throat. She looks at her sister-in-law who very much unbothered to be here. To even think that she used to fight for this girl and today she has suddenly become an enemy.
“Buti, you can leave. Your wife does not want to be here.”
Lungisani turns to look at his wife who had an attitude eyebrow ached. She huffs and turns to leave but Lungisani pulls her by her t-shirt.
“I will not tolerate your attitude towards my sister. If you have a problem with it spit it out or you can gladly leave, just so you know – once you leave never set foot on my father's premises.”
“Yes Londeka. I am definitely sick and tired of you!”
He hisses clicking his tongue.
“Lungisani.” She clutches on to her chest. She turns to look at Thandeka who was looking at them. “See what you have done? Congratulations for finally making my husband turn his back on me.”
“My aunt did say that you are a lunatic but I did not believe her. Guess I was blinded by beauty too much.”
“Ow, this is how low you think of me right before you low class siblings?”
“Londeka!” He roars, making her startled.
"It's pointless arguing with you. I don't know what to do other you any more."

Meanwhile Tazz was still seated in the parking lot going through his gallery. With a heavy heart, he looks at Sisipho's picture smiling - he back slap make up. You know when they say perfect moments are the best captured. That is what he exactly did. He smiles emotionally and starts the car driving out. In life, you learn to make comprises, even if it's the thoughtest decisions to make for the one you love to be safe.
Never in his wildest dreams has he ever thought that he would let go of someone he has feel for in the short period space of time.
He parks at the side of the road with his heart drumming with no come back. He grabs the bottle of water and steps out of the car for some fresh air.

His breathing accelerating on another level. He opens the cap and gulps down the spring water and burps calming himself down. For a minute he asks himself if was all of this worth it? Him running away on the unknown. He takes a deep breath as he leaned against his car. Is is too late to turn back and fight for whats his? What if she has already moved on? He doesn't want to think the worst. He doesn't imagine himself and Thandeka leaving the it life!


You know the pain of acting normal after being banged from your bosses office. It was the bitter sweet moment that lasted for a couple of minutes. She later had to put a straight face on and continue with her work like they didn't do anything yesterday. Sighs!
Again today she had to pretend like nothing happened but deep down she's hurt. Is she catching feelings so early in the sexual moments. Clearly this man knows his A game. 
"Seems like you have alot on your mind." He leans against her cubicle. She buried her head even deep in work.
"I'm just busy."
"If I knew better I would say you are avoiding me." He walks around the table and sits on it. He pulls her chin up for her to see him.
"We are at work." She shyly says.
"I know."
"Weren't you the one who requested for us to be professional? I don't want any troubles Gerald."
"My father will be coming later on. Just wanted to give you heads up." He gets off the table and kisses her cheek.
She looks at him as she disappeared out of sight. Her face immediately flushes looking at his well built body. One does one maintain their body in this manner?
Again…wait…did he just say? Ow hell no!
She drops her head on the table and screams within her.

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