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For the whole month of Sthembiso not waking up has had a lot of people loose hope.
His mother has been on a fasting mode ever since she heard the news of her son being stabbed, almost to death. Receiving that phone call – she took the available flight to Johannesburg.  
Still in Joburg and not too sure how to tackle the issue. She may be very hard on her son but in all honesty she loves her son to death.

The machines beeping hoping that he wakes up. She misses his runny mouth, stupid attitude and mostly his weird ways.
"He will be fine mah," Dumisani came back home from Pietermaritzburg after hearing the stab of his brother.
"It's been a whole month Dumisani! How can you say he will be fine when he is not waking up?"
Dumisani sighs sadly looking at his annoying little brother.
Dumisani has a normal skin colour, has the exact same features as Sthembiso but Dumisani prefers to change colour on his hair. Black is what his prefers.
"I know mah, I'm sorry."
"I shouldn't have said that and I'm sorry. Can we pray atleast, atleast I will feel lighter.” Duminsani nods letting his mother hold his hand.

"I trust in Your power and grace that sustain and restore my son. Loving Father, touch him now with Your healing hands, for I believe that Your will is for him to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. Cover him with the Most Precious Blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.
Heal my son father…."

"Hmmmm," his mother stops praying and shoots her eyes open.
"Sthembiso mntanami," she rushes towards his bed. He tries removing the mobilizer off his face but his weak hand thunders back down on the bed. He just want to let it all out. It's blocking his airways.
His mother removes the mask off his face and tries to help him sit.
"Dumisani, go call the doctor!"
Who would have thought that one day her son will wake up?
"O….Ndoni." The first name that comes out of his mouth.

He tilts his head on the side throwing up on the floor. The room began to spin around making him to close his eyes with the events flashing.
Sthembiso tries getting off the bed with everything coming flashbacks like a hurricane.
"I need to see Ndoni,"
The doctor walks in. "I see my ghost has woken up." He smiles. "I'm even surprised that you are awake. You almost saw death."

"Take me to Onyiye." He removes everything that is attached to him.
"That name again." The doctor chucks.
"Do you know this Nyoko person?" His mother's asks confused.
"No, but this is the name that he has been singing ever since he got admitted. If it’s not Onyiye it’s Ndoni.”
"Dumisani do you know Nyoko."
Dumisani laughs a bit shaking his head. "I've never heard of that name before."
"Sthembiso, awukahle uzozilimaza!"
Too late he is already standing ready to leave.
"My baby," he pants catching his breathe. "I want my family." He holds his chest due to massive aching pains.
"I need to sedate him. Maybe he is still in shock."

Sthembiso takes steps backwards shaking his head no, "you don't understand, I need Ndoni and my ba…."
Not given an opportunity to further talk the doctor injects him on his back and Sthembiso falls back onto the bed.

With Dumisani looking at all the scene that's been happening. He decided to go where Khoza is. He needs answers, maybe he might find one.
"What brings you here?" No one enters his office except Sthembiso. Khoza asks siting down with the glass on his hands filled whiskey.
"It's regarding my brother. Who is…. Ona, Oni.., something along those lines?"
Khoza leans back with his one leg on top of the other.
"Onyiye is his baby mama."
Duminsani's eyes shoot open.
"Their son is 7 months old if not mistaken. He only found out last month."
"But we have a problem,"
"What problem." Dumisani asks.
"We can't seem to find the girl. We were so caught up on Sthembiso's healing forgetting that we had to keep an eye on her."
"Where does she live Kanti?"
"At her home but her mother chased her out."
"This is…. I don't know huge."
"Don't tell him as yet till we find her. When he ask just say she is still at home. We don't want his healing to take steps back. He has a family out there."

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