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Her heart beats rapidly of the thought of her being molested again. Being taken against her will. She remembers it vividly like it was yesterday. That man groaning on top of her enjoying every inch and ounce of her. She hasn't forgotten though she lives through the pain. She's too broken to be in that phase again. Those silent cries she muffled within her. That man murdered her spirit! And for that, her mother is as good as dead to her. She wouldn’t be here if she had a mother! Here is another man looking at her nakedness.
The man pulls his pants further down right below his butt…looks around again for any signs of any movements. He still has the door wide open. The road is clear. He opens her legs wider apart with her still in pretence of being deep in sleep.
Her lips quiver in shame. Obviously, she wouldn't handle another pain! She feels his hand traveling in-between her thighs. He runs her nuna with his thumb and he groans. That sickens her to the core! He looks around searching for any movements but the other alliance is deep into the bushes.
He tries pulling her underwear down but the shuffling of the bushes makes him stop. He pulls her dress down closing her legs and slowly closes the door not closing it shut. He pulls his pants up and pretends to be releasing himself.
"We can go." The man says stomping his feet on the road. He looks at him suspiciously. "What are you doing?"
"Peeing, can't you see." He snaps.
"Okay, then why is the ground not wet?" He would also like to know.
"It just won't come out." He say fastening his belt and zipping his pants up.
"Is it?"
"What's with you and your fucken hundred questions? It's annoying man. Let's go." He gets in the drives seat and buckles up with the man following behind still looking at him suspiciously. He hops in the car and looks at the backseat, looking at Onyiye peacefully sleeping.
"For how long does this drug stays on?"
"Three hours. Lets go, that guy is waiting for his package." He starts the car and begins to drive off.

Onyiye slowly opens her eyes with her heart drumming in fear.
Their conversation doesn't sit well with her. Where are they taking her to? Who wants her? She has to think of a plan of being out of this car as quickly as possible.
"There's a car following us." The driver says looking at the rear mirror.
"I noticed too. Maybe they will pass." He turns to look at the back but the lights are being shined brighter. "This car is heading straight towards us. Hit on the accelerator!" The man instructs. He presses on the accelerator but the car is right behind them. Onyiye slowly lifts her head carefully not to make any noise. She looks at the door and notices that she can open and jump right out of it. She sits up straight - their eyes meet. She looks at the driver's eyes in the rear mirror…"what the fuck!" He turns to look back notice her fiddling with the door. He looses balance on the road but quickly puts it back in its shape. She opens it widely - she looks at the both them debating with her thoughts. The guy siting on the passengers sit tries jumping to get hold of her but Onyiye jumps for her life - she jumps out of the moving vehicle. Her body rolling repeatedly on the road in a fast pace as the cars speed.
She lays flat on the ground not moving. Khoza's car parks metres away from the scene.
The car that Onyiye jumped out from stops, they both get out of the car running towards Onyiye.
Sthembiso jumps out of Khoza's car also and runs to where Onyiye is. Khoza and Tazz follow shortly with their guns ready to shoot.
Sthembiso picks Onyiye up who was unconscious and bloody.
"Give us the girl." The driver says pointing a gun at Sthembiso. He doesn't seem fazed by it. Rather his heart is pumping with rage.
"No!" He has her carried in a bridal style.
"Sthembiso, get in the car!" Khoza instructs. Sthembiso continues with his journey but he turns one last time to look at the driver.
"That is the man that shot me." He continues to walk towards the car after sharing the shocking news. He places Onyiye peacefully in the backseat making her comfortable.
"Shhh, I'm here Nana." He brushes her messy afro. She's shivering and he hated that.
"He to…he touched me." She says with her teeth clutching against each other.
"No one is going to touch you ever again." He says fixing her dress. She nods her head with tears rolling at the corner of her eyes.
The argument is getting heated up. Khoza pulls the trigger first and Tazz follows.
Two men down…

ONYIYE THAT GIRLWhere stories live. Discover now