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She's packing all of his belongings with a heavy heart. She feels cheated on. Sizwe was taken too soon. Life cheated and she has no come back after this. He didn't get to meet his child! See how life is unfair? See the man that they get to praise everyday…he is definitely selfish and self centred! Only cares for himself. She takes his t-shirt - holds it so tightly against her chest. She feels his presence, he is here. It's very warm. She closes her eyes preventing the tears from falling.  If only she died along with him. If only she was also…she takes a deep breath and continues to pack his clothes. The pictures? She is willing to keep them for the sake of her child. He or she will grow up someday and asks about their father. Destroying his memory will not heal her broken heart. It will not ease the pain she is feeling. She has healed yes but not entirely.

It's been long since she last lived here some spring cleaning will do. Atleast she still have the cleaning detergents. 
The fresh air in this house, she needed it. She slept like a baby after months of struggling with sleep.
The air changes - his cologne filling up her room. She sighs stirring her beef stew. She closes the pot and switches the stove off. She's damn hungry. Is she mad at him? No. She has managed to create the walls around her heart. She pulls out for two plates from her cardboard. She rinses them first and wipes them. She dishes for the both of them. 
Her food is expressional good looking. With all the different colours on the white plate.
"Here," she hands him the plate. He looks at her with his eyes wide open.
"Eat up before it gets cold." He was probably waiting her outburst, but she has grown. She will channel all her energy where it’s needed.
Yesterday she wanted to do revenge - she noticed that it will be definitely not worth it. Mpilo is not worth her energy. The most sweetest revenge is to pretend to be a fool that he is taking her for.
"How was your day?" She asks still not looking at him. He clears his throat.
"My day?" 
"Yes, your day?" She shifts her eyes to him. He is sitting so uncomfortably on the bed. 
"Is the salt enough?" She knows where he is heading at and honestly she doesn't have the energy to deal with it. 
"Li…" His phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and glances at the screen. 
He puts on silence, after minutes it rings again.
"I will give you privacy for you to answer your phone call." She grabs her phone and walks out. She wants to check on the Dazela family…
"Buti Melusi,"
"Lindiwe!" He seems to be exited. "When? How?"
"I was discharged yesterday. Tell mum I will see here when my heart has healed. I'm still trying to live without him but it's hard." 
"Take your time Nana." Talking to them made her face smile. Atleast these people have her back no matter what.
She turns to go back to her room she bumps into Mpilo. He looks at her clenching his jaws. 
"Did you really have to go there? As in call them?" He asks. 
"Yes, I'm carrying their grandchild."  She walks past him. She takes her food and continues to eat. 
"I don't understand." 
"What’s that you do not understand Mpilo?"  She is getting annoyed with all the interrogation.
"You going back there. I mean…" 
"Don't get me started. Just don't!" 
"I'm sorry." 
"I think it's better that you leave. Your baby mama is waiting for you." He swallows hard. He stands up and storms out. She sighs and continues eating. She puts herself first before everything.

She's catching up on her school work. She is far behind with assessments and she wants to catch up. Atleast her mind is not that stiff. She still remembers most of the stuffs.
Next week - her exams will be starting she has to make sure that she catches up. Crying over Mpilo will not make her succeed.
Atleast she did manage to do some catching up with her school work. She just wants take a nap, already it's in the afternoon.


First time at work and she admits, she's inlove with her new job rather than the previous one. Atleast the pay is better than her previous job. 
"The manager is requesting for you in his office." One of the cleaners say. She smiles back. It’s almost knock off time.
"Okay, I'm coming." She stands up. Just when she was about to enjoy her lunch she is being summoned. She didn’t get to eat midday – work overload. Now that she is being summoned by the boss. Maybe she did not dust as much as she was required.
"Knock, knock…" 
A voice summoning her to come in. Ow great! His mother is hear!
"Sanibona." She nervously sits down. 
"I'll get straight to the point. I liked you for my son, so I was thinking that it will be better if you become his PA." 
"Excuse me?" She is shocked. She was just hired to be a cleaner and not a PA! 
"You are excused. You will start training tomorrow. You can go home and rest. Prepare your body for tomorrow." His mother stands up but falls back down to the couch.
"The more I get old - the more the clumsiness take over." She hisses forcing herself to stand up. Eventually, she does. She walks out almost tripping…
"That's my mother for you and her word is final. I cannot dispute anything." 
"Wow, I don't even know what to say." She wants to cry.
She's is indeed shocked. No actually she is beyond shocked! 
"Welcome to my world." Gerald laughs and packs his bag. "You should go change so that I can take you home."

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