Chapter 3

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General POV

It was another bright sunny day on the Island of Oahu currently Yamato was playing Tugboat since whatever tugboat was stationed at Pearl Harbor was sunk during the attack meaning ships that could still operate under their own power had to assist.

San Diego: *from the docks* MY SHIP!!!! WAAAHHHHH!!!!

Glowworm: Yikes, that's bad.

Yamato had also been given a new look, his hull was now a proper American Haze Gray, he had the number 71 on his hull, and most if not all of his Japanese ornaments had been detached save for the crest on his bow as a small reminder of where he came from his Japanese lettering had also been replaced with English.

He had just finished pushing the USS San Diego into DryDock#1 next to the USS Cleveland undergoing maintenance in DryDock#2 when New Jersey called out to him.

NJ: Hey Yamato!! Down here!!!

Yamato: *jumps down from his ship* Hello NJ, what do you need?

NJ: I need your help with something, and it involves keeping Enterprise at base.

Yamato: Oh? What's the plan?

NJ: Me and you will block Enterprise's DryDock so she can't leave, but if we move it's only so that the other person can move in for the next shift.

Yamato: Ok,, what do you think of my new look?

NJ: I like it, makes you blend in better.

Timeskip 30 minutes

Yamato's ship was now in front of Enterprise's heavily damaged ship waiting, then Enterprise came running in and saw the predicament.

Enterprise: Wha- HEY!!!

Yamato: *raises hands up* This was NJ's idea.

NJ: Damn right it was partner. Enty you need rest.

Enterprise: Ugh, I've no time for this.

Enterprise summons her rigging, jumps over Yamato, and shoots off like a rocket on the other side.

Yamato: I am not really surprised at this outcome.

Cleveland: *arrives* Neither am I, c'mon! We gotta catch her!

Cleveland and New Jersey jump and summon their rigging to the bewilderment of Yamato.

Yamato: Um, how'd you do that?


Yamato, know in his rigging form, caught up to the group and was now sailing in formation with the others.

Yamato: This feels so weird.

NJ: Eh, you get used to the feeling of it over time.

Enterprise: Stay focused, I'm not letting my sister die......not again......

NJ: Hey, Enterprise calm down.

Enterprise: No time for that!!

Enterprise then left the others in the dust while she went to tango with Zuikaku.

Cleveland saw Hornet and started calling out to her

Cleveland: Hey there Hornet! We're here to help you!!

Hornet: Great timing, I was worried for a minute.

Yamato: Alright, let's ditch. We've got a window let's not wait for it to close.

Cleveland: Right!

Hornet: Um, who are you?

Yamato: Long story short, I'm on your side.

Just as they were about to run for it the sound of 8 inch guns firing made them break formation as the shells flew straight into the water.

Yamato: Crud!

Cleveland: Now what?!

They looked up to see a certain flirtatious Ironblood Cruiser.

Prinz Eugen: Guten Tag ladies.....and gentleman......looks like you're having so much fun, mind if we join?

Yamato: My gut is telling me to run away.

Cleveland: Hey, she's fierce but compared to you she won't stand a chance.

Prinz Eugen: Hmm~ Akagi did say something about a new ship.~~ Didn't expect it to be a......handsome one~~~

Yamato: She's a teaser isn't she?

NJ: Pretty much, but she's one lucky-ass motherfucker.

Prinz Eugen: Hmm, Z23, handle the others. I'm going to tango with that spicy new male.

Z23: Copy that.

Yamato: *gulps while aiming his 18 inch rifles* Sorry 'bout this. FIRE!!!

The 18 inch guns responded with a will pushing Yamato back a feet while severely injuring/damaging Eugen.

Ayanami: Nani?!

Cleveland: *wincing* That's gonna leave a mark....

Yamato: *discouraged* I need to learn how to control my guns better....

A black and white blur then shot past the bigger group of ships.

Yamato: Who was that?

NJ: That was one of the Royal Navy maids. I think it's Belfast.

Cleveland: Yup, that was Belfast.

Over the horizon the shape of a massive British fleet approached before a Town Class fired at Yamato, who managed to dodge in time.

Sheffield: You best get along with your allies Sakuran, my next shot won't miss.

Yamato: *anime tears* I'm on your side though.

Edinburgh: That's a male?!

Belfast: So, you're the new male ship.

Yamato: Um, yes I'm the USS Yamato former IJN Yamato. Nice to meet you.

Hood: Hmm, a defector? Interesting.

Warspite: Well, Wales has said something about a new member. Just left out the part about it being a boy.

Q.E.: Well in any case, lead us back home good sir, and Sheffield stand down.

Sheffield: Of course, my mistake.

Yamato: Um, alright follow me I guess...

A/N: Yeah, not much happened here. Then again my mind wasn't entirely on this chapter since I have another chapter for United at Midway in the works and I had a loyalty tutorial thing for school so I had to attend that, sorry for the bland chapter deku032007 the next one is going to be a lot better......whenever I post it, anywho check out &
DrDestiny, Captainrex2177, and dieHero for more stories and stay tuned for the next episode of United at Midway. I'm kuwebby2, you're reading Yamato's dimension hopping, and until next time I bid you a fair well.

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