Beach Discoveries

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The thunderstorm raged across the city, causing pedestrians to rummage around their bags in order to extract their umbrellas. The wind tried to snatch those lifesavers away, but succeeded very little. It was no match for the brute strength of the citizens of Tokyo.

Nezuko watched from Daki's bedroom window as even more water rained from the sky and ruined their plans for fun at the beach. The weather had no consideration for the activities of the saviours of the digital world. Nezuko's vision of the depressing scene became fogged as her breath touched the glass.

"Staring at it isn't going to make it go away, Nezuko." Daki stated from her spot on the floor.

"I know, Daki . I wish it would though. Today was supposed to be fun."

"And it still can be, Nezuko. We can have lots of fun together. As soon as you tell me what happened between you and Muichiro last night. He was whistling when he got to the building and met up with us, Nezuko . Whistling."

Nezuko knew Daki suspected something major had happened, and she wanted to get Yolei's opinion on the matter, but she wasn't giving in that easily.

"Why should I tell you, Daki? Were you not the one that took a picture of me and Muichiro kissing last night and then sent that picture to my brother who then lectured me for two hours and spent the rest of the night bursting out into maniac fits of laughter? I don't see why I should even be talking to you."

Nezuko ended her rant and stared expectantly at her friend, who was giggling.

"I'm sorry. But you have to admit, it's hilarious. I'm still in shock that I even managed to pull that one on you. Usually you're really perceptive."

Nezuko huffed and retorted, "Still not telling you, Daki."

Daki stopped laughing and said, "Fine, fine. I'm sorry, Nezuko m. You're right. It was wrong of me to fool you like that and then laugh about it... now will you tell me?"

Nezuko turned around and faced the window, smiling. She was having fun teasing Daki .

"I don't know, Daki... You hurt my feelings. I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust you again."

Daki resorted to begging. "PLEASE! I've been waiting all night to find out! Please, please, please tell me!"

Nezuko laughed, turned back around, and gave in. "Alright, I'll tell you."

Daki sat up straighter and prepared herself.

"Muichiro kissed me again."

"Aha!" Daki yelled. "I knew it was something romantic like that! You two were meant for each other, Nezuko. This is perfect!"

Nezuko figured she should tell her friend her plan. "But, Daki, he did it unexpectedly and then left without another word! So, tomorrow, when we go to the beach like we were supposed to today, I'm going to get him back... somehow. I haven't figured that one out yet."

"Well that's easy, Nezuko. We'll just have to turn you into a mega hottie, and then you can flirt with other guys and make him super jealous! It'll work like a charm, trust me. He'll be like putty in your hands once we're through with him!"

Daki's plan set off warning bells in Nezuko's head, but then again, most of the things Daki said did that. As much as Nezuko hated it, Daki was the expert on boys here, and if she said it would work, then Nezuko would go along with it. Just this once, she would do something risky and out of the ordinary.

Daki and Nezuko met up with the boys at the beach. Senjuro and Makomo were already splashing around in the water. Muichiro and his twin brother Yuichiro were setting up the area where they would be sitting, while Sabito and Yushiro were sleeping in the sand. Nezuko laughed at the two of them, snoring and drooling together.

Muinezu: Beach Day One-Shots🏖Where stories live. Discover now