Happy as a clam

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Screams and shouts could be heard for what seemed like miles away. At least, that's how Nezuko felt as she listened to her friends as they dove off of the cliff which she was resting on. In a rare opportunity, the gang were all available in the first weekend of their summer vacation. Mitsuri , who had just graduated from high school, insisted that they all spend the weekend at her cousin's beach house before she would be leaving for college. Being located right across from basketball courts, sandy beaches, and the perfect spot for cliff diving, it was a dream getaway for the group.

Nezuko was pulled out of her thoughts when Mitsuri screams were the next to pierce her ears. She, along with her friend group from middle school and her brother Tanjiro's friend group from high school were now in the water splashing and dunking each other, each trying to claim that they were the best at any and all water sports. To her left, she looked and saw Iguro, Sanemi, and Tomioka discussing something near the shallow end of the water. Iguro kept making subtle glances towards Mitsuri with a gentle smile, and Kari made a mental note to tease her about it later. The couple were so different that a few of the group had been surprised at the pairing initially. As their relationship continued, however, it was apparent that they balanced each other out quite well.

'Just like Kanao and Tanjiro do. And just like another couple would if they would just admit their feelings already,' she thought to herself as her eyes drifted upwards towards the higher end of the beach. Shinobu and Tomioka were laughing and talking excitedly about something while laying under umbrellas. The pineapple laptop that was commonly stuck to Tomioka side was nowhere to be seen. Though everyone tried, Shinobu was the only one consistently successful at pulling Tomioka out of his laptop and into the real world. It had been no secret to anyone but each other that their feelings had grown past friendship over the last several years. In fact, bringing it up was the only way to stop Shinobu from pestering her about things with Muichiro. The pair were the only two girls in the group who were still single after the previous year when both Shinobu and Kanao decided that they would each ask out their now-boyfriends, Tomioka and Tanjiro. It was this fact that made Mitsuri convince her that she had to buy the light pink polka dotted bikini she was now dawning now while Mitsuri was looking perfect in her dusty green bikini. Her theory was that if Iguro and Muichiro hadn't noticed that they were available and gorgeous girls before, they'd have to now. She wasn't sure if she thought it would help really, but there was no arguing with Mitsuri once she got an idea in her head.

She sighed and laid her head back on the grass. Thinking of love always made her more confused than when she started. Muichiro had always been difficult to read when it came to his love life. He rarely seemed interested in any of the girls at their school, though the two times he was she became so jealous that even Yuichiro pulled her aside and told her to just confess her feelings to Muichiro. As if it were that easy to tell your best friend that you love them.

"Nezuko!" Makomo yells from below snapped the girl out of her own thoughts. "Come on and jump, it's really not that far!"

She twisted her body around and leaned her head over the edge, examining the fall. What was likely no more than a 15 foot drop felt much more like 50 feet right now. She had never liked heights that much but had earlier thought that trying to emulate her brother's courage through cliff diving could be a good way to build up her bravery in other areas of her life. Like with Muichiro. It seemed like a terrible idea now and she reminded herself that this was why she had always been the sensible one between herself and her brother.

"You can climb down on the left if you wanna get a little closer to the water first," Makomo suggested. She heard Makomo's head whip around quickly in the water, making sure that her disapproval of his comment was well-known.

"The point of her going to the top of the cliff was for her to jump down it! All the way. You don't walk all the way up a cliff to only jump off half of it!"

Muinezu: Beach Day One-Shots🏖Where stories live. Discover now