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"Y/n!!" Y/n chuckles at Sunghoon was already drunk the moment we arrived

Sunghoon decided to throw a party since the engineering department finished with their exams

I came along with Y/n

"Yah, you're already drunk? It's only twelve!" Y/n says turning him around and pushing him away

She shook her head while chuckling and linked her arms with mine

"Let's sit down," she says and I agreed following her as she led the way

So far there weren't so many people yet, but the house was getting full

I sat down on the couch with Y/n

"Aren't you gonna dance?" I asked her and she shook her head

"Later, I'm tired," she says and I nodded


Y/n PoV

I watched the people dancing on the dance floor and also switched at times to have a conversation with my classmates who also sat on the couch with us

They were teasing me seeing how in love I looked with Heeseung with me

Which isn't a lie, I am very happy

"So how long has it been since you two were together?" she asked me

I looked at Heeseung and back to her, "like almost a month now?" I tell her

"Aw! That's so cute," she cooed and teased me again

I just rolled my eyes and chuckled

"You okay?" I asked Heeseung who has been quiet for some time

"Yeah..." he says but I knew something was bothering him

But since his reply made it seem like he didn't want to talk about it

So I let him be for a while

"Do you want more water?" Heeseung asked as he looked at my cup

He was standing up and I guess he was gonna refill his drink

"Yes please," I gave him my cup

He made sure he'll be right back and he left

I was alone on the couch because the ones who were here were in the pool

Drinking, dancing, or I don't know what

I was rubbing my arms wondering what to do besides just sitting here and wait

But a figure approached me and I couldn't help but frown

I was gonna ignore him but he took a seat beside me

"Y/n how are-"

"Fuck off," I rolled my eyes and moved away from him

He hissed and laughed, "what? What do you mean 'fuck off' sweetheart?"

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