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"Jintak-sshi!! I'm home," I announced though there was no response

He was probably somewhere in the house cleaning or whatever

Tossing my bag on the couch I made my way to my garage

I have gotten myself a new motorcycle

When I entered the garage I exclaim looking at the new motorcycle I bought that was sitting in the middle of the garage

My motorcycle wasn't broken, but it would hurt to have two right?

I walked over to it touching the seat

"I love it"

I mumbled to myself

I got on it and turned it on, the engine was roaring

I couldn't help but smile to myself

"After dinner I should take you on a ride," I pat the motorcycle lightly

This motorcycle came from the US so it did take awhile for it to arrive

I am already in love with it

I hope it goes really fast

Wanting to boast about it, I got my phone out of my motorcycle

Dialing Sunghoons number

"Hello?" he answered, "Sunghoon!!"

"What is it? Did you forget what the requirements were?" he asked and I denied

"My new motorcycle arrived!" I exclaim

"Really?" I hummed in response, "hold on let me take a picture and send it to you!"

Without hanging up I opened my camera app and took pictures of it

Behind me, I heard the sound of the door open

"Y/n..." the voice was Jintak's

"Yeah?" I say not turning around

"Your father is here..." I stopped taking pictures and turned to look at Jintak

'He's what!?' I rolled my eyes before putting the phone back in my ear

"Sunghoon I'll call you back..."

When I entered the living room there he was, along side my brother was here too

When he spotted me he gestured to take a seat in front of him

I did so without uttering anything

It was quiet until my brother cleared his throat,"how are you?" he was the first to speak


He nodded with my answer, "you haven't been answering my calls Y/n"

It was my dad's turn to speak, I couldn't help but chuckle lightly he seemed to be displeased with how I reacted

"Was it important?" I asked sounding annoyed

"Every time I call you it's important-"

"What? To say what exactly? 'Y/n you should quit engineering take up business, engineering isn't for a woman' that's fucking bullshit!"

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