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After being discharged from the hospital

I called Jintak to pick me up. Sunghoon said he'd come with me since he was worried I couldn't walk

Heeseung had left since he had class the next day

When Jintak came to pick us up, he was saying how my dad and brother had already left the moment I stormed out

I was happy they were gone if they were still there

I'd get a scolding about my accident

"What exactly happened?" Sunghoon asked as he sat on the opposite side of the couch

"My dad came asking why I didn't answer his calls... Then I started cursing at him which led to a huge argument"

I kept the explanation short, Sunghoon sighed

"You're stupid for riding a motorcycle while crying"

"At least it wasn't the new one!"

"That's not my point..."

I looked at Jintak who was slowly wrapping a new bandage on my stitches

It was excruciating taking a shower...

"At least you didn't break a bone," Jintak says as he finishes putting on the bandage

I just stared blankly at my leg

"I know your father isn't someone you want in your life Ms.Y/n, but you can't cut him out of your life. He's still your father-"

"Why him, out of all the men my mom could choose why him..." I say

Another silence

Fiddling my fingers and taking glances at Sunghoon since Jintak left to do his work

"What have you been doing lately?" Sunghoon asked, guessing he was trying to change the subject

I shrugged, "uhh studying, sleeping... Staying in the garage"

He raised a brow, "that's it?"

I nodded and he looked at me with disbelief

"You haven't been partying? Being with other guys?..."

"Partying yeah, but not as much... Besides you, Heeseung, and his friends, I haven't been with any guy"

I looked at him as I said, he seemed to be thinking about something

I raised a brow at him since he was still looking at me

He crossed his arms and his lips formed a slight smirk

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