Chapter 8 - I Hurt Him...

Start from the beginning

I shove Uther against his throne. He lands on the seat with a loud thud, his sword clatters to the ground while he falls unconscious. I slowly make my way forwards. I can faintly hear the doors slam open and someone calling my name. None of it registers. All I care about is quenching this thirst for vengeance. Vengeance for all the sorcerers he had harmed and for the death of my mother.

I raise my hand, facing my palm towards him. He deserves to die by the one thing he hates most. Magic.

I utter a spell, the most powerful one I can remember from my book. My eyes glow gold as the spell is cast. A bright red ball of pure magic shoots out of my hand and towards Uther's slumped figure. I smile slightly in triumph. I expect to hear him scream in pain. It never happens. His scream never comes.

Instead, what I hear makes my heart drop. It's Merlin. I hear him attempt to muffle an agonizing cry only to no avail. The red sphere of magic had hit him square in the chest. His small figure flies backwards and smashes against the back wall of the council room.

I see Merlin lying on the floor behind the throne. He was barely keeping his eyes open. I could see him look at me. His eyes were full of...worry. Not for himself, but for me.

The large burn marks are clear on his chest. I could tell he was in pain. His breathing is ragged and he would groan occasionally from the wound. I hurt him. I hurt him with my magic and worst of he knows.

I turn and run. I burst out of the room and back towards my own chambers. One thought keeps rippling through my head as I sprint down the corridor.

I hurt him.


Merlin's POV

I burst into the room in time to hear Arthur chant a spell. He shoots a red sphere of magic towards Uther. I couldn't let him kill Uther, he would never forgive himself.

I run forward and stand in front of the king. The spell hits me in the chest. I'm launched backwards off my feet. I feel my head crack against the stone wall and I crumple to the floor. My head spins. I look towards Arthur. He seems to finally have realized what he had done. Our eyes lock for a brief moment before he turns and runs off.

Arthur... you have...

My thoughts are interrupted by Uther stirring on his throne. I see him fun around and look towards me. He seems to realize I had saved him.

I cry out in pain as I begin to feel the effects of the magic. My chest burns where it had been hit. It felt as though it were melting. I try to sit up only to slump back down on the floor.

Uther limps towards me. He calls for the guards to go fetch Gaius and looks me in the eye.

"You saved me," he says in disbelief.

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for Arthur," I reply.

That's when Gaius runs into the room. He sees me on the floor and immediately worry replaces his normally calm expression.

"Merlin!" Gaius calls frantically, "what happened? Are you alright?"

"I'll tell you later Gaius. Right now I need to find Arthur."

I try to stand only to stumble and land back on the floor.

"You are in no condition to be walking Merlin. I am sorry my lord but I must take him to my chambers."

"Of course Gaius." Uther nods and begins to limp towards his own chambers.


Gaius lays me down on the patients bed. I turn to him and groan in pain as he applies a salve to my injuries.

"Who did this to you Merlin?" Gaius asks worriedly.

I hesitate. What do I say? "Um... a sorcerer broke in. He attacked Uther and I jumped in to save him."

I knew Gaius wouldn't believe such a simple lie. He could always tell when I lied. This time, he decided not to pressure me. He nods and returns back to his work.

"You're lucky. A spell like this should have killed you."

"Then why didn't it?"

"Your magic probably."

I nod slightly and drop the subject.


When Gaius finishes, he leaves to gather supplies.

As I lay awake on the patients bed, I run the events I had witnessed over and over again in my mind.

Someone tried to kill Uther with a powerful spell and there was only one person who could have cast it. Arthur.

Arthur Pendragon has magic. The Once and Future King is a sorcerer.

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