Manus vs The Defier of the Abyss

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Nashandra P.o.V

I was waiting for Manus to report back to me on my throne of want but when he void walked into my castle with his horns sliced off and his arm missing I was admittedly angry. "what the hell is this? WHAT HAPPENED?" I yelled. "My queen *pant* he was somehow able to resist me *pant* I don't understand. I also feel like he took something from me as well."Manus told me gasping for air. At this point I was furious like 'how could a lowly human knight beat a creature of darkness let alone one of my strongest' I thought as I sat on my throne. "Manus I have a plan."

Cut to Artorias petting Sif 

Artorias P.o.V

"Im happy your here with me Sif"  I said as I scratched behind her ear we were having fun until we both were interrupted by a huge explosion in the Royal Woods." You hear that girl?"I asked as she nodded to me confirming my question. I hopped on Sif and we made our way down to royal woods. When we got there a sharpened tree was thrown at us Sif quickly sidestepped out of the way only for another to be thrown to which I got us to phrase through but then as I wasn't paying attention I was close-lined by a 'skeleton?' I thought. Then it clicked I looked in front of me as I got off the ground and Sif started growling. I saw Nito and Manus who both looked very pissed off. "How dare you RIP OFF MY ARM YOU INFERIOR BEING" Manus screamed as he and Nito charged at me at the same time Sif hopped in front of me biting Nito's arm and launching him somewhere else to have their own fight leaving me and Manus with only his regular arm.

He tried to swing at me I swiftly vaulted over him and playfully slapped him in the back of his head while vaulting "Listen if you wanted me to rip the other one off you could have just asked, I would have been glad to help" I said as I leaned on my sword while it was stabbed into the ground. "Do you honestly think an inferior bottom feeding smooth brained INSECT can defeat me? because you will ha-" he was interrupted as I threw a rock at his face. "Well although I would love to stay and chat I feel as though that your just going to repeat the same thing over and over." I said mockingly as I picked up my sword "Dost thou truly hope they can defeat me?" He asked "well....... yeah" I replied he slightly chuckled as  shadows started forming into his empty arm socket "hahaha naive fool I am the father of the abyss human, Hope dies with me" as he finished his sentence his abyss enhanced arm came back better than ever and he slammed it on the ground "well shit" he rushed at me full force which is pretty fuckin scary so I slid under his legs and tried to stab his back but absolutely FLIPPED me with a tail swipe. "silly human don't you know from our last fight that you can't go behind me hahahaha."He laughed, "Do you honestly ever shut up" I said trying to get back up "like don't get me wrong Sif is huge  but shes a puppy compared to that mouth of yours." This insult visibly pissed him off as he used his abomination of an arm to grab a rock and chuck it at me I phased through the rock but he predicted this  and followed up with a choke grab I was in this freaks grasp "Now do you see the difference between us knight of darkness what happened last time was just simple luck" he said gripping his hand tighter and lifting me in the air I was slowly starting to see black then suddenly I could breathe and I'm... falling? I suddenly heard Sif growling and saw Nito on top of Manus I looked up at Sif standing over me with Nito's arm in his mouth so I immediately grabbed my sword and got back up I sent an abyss spike towards Nito sending him flying and I grabbed my great-shield off of Sif's saddle to prepare to fight our last opponent... Manus who was nowhere to be found."did he retreat?" I asked Sif to which she replied with sniffing the air and she snapped her head upward and saw the shadow of Manus jumping down on us."LOOK OUT" I screamed before diving behind a fallen tree and an explosion appearing almost right after. I took a peak over the tree and saw Manus in an overhead stance with a swing so powerful it could take Kalameet's head off. 'shit I wont be able to dodge this damn it I cant phase or else i'll pass out SHIT'. I thought as he swung I closed my eyes ready for what happens next or so I thought I was ready. *CRACK* I opened my eyes to see im completely fine until I look to the left me and see Sif on the ground eyes open and just lying there motionless with a bruise on the side of his neck. Manus couldn't fathom what just happened. As he was finally about to kill Artorias the mutt hopped out of the smoke and took the brunt of the blow to the neck snapping it instantly." oh no no no no no no no no S-Sif please come on get back up please i'm sorry ill be a better knight you wont ever have to fight in my battles again I promise PLEASE j-just get up" I cried over my best friend. I felt no response in terms of movement. "Damn it GOD DAMMMMNIIIIIIIIIT" I screamed as everything suddenly went black.

Very Dead Guy P.O.V

"GOD DAMMMNIIIIIIIIIIT!" Artorias screamed as Shadows shot up in to the air piercing the sky with three concussion waves. "And I thought after you beat me that I was the weak one"I said as an insult. "like come on its just a stupid do-" I was interrupted when my normal arm was no longer there which led to the pain settling in. "AHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed trying to find my arm. "did you need this" I turn around too the voice of Artorias And a darker and sinister voice in the back ground. "H-How HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU DO THAT?" he took a square off stance and got ready to charge "Fuck you that's how" He said as he disappeared in a blink of an eye. I quickly grabbed my weapon off the ground with my void arm and clashed with him I quickly tail swiped dirt in his eye causing him to step backwards blinded.This was my chance. I swung my weapon as hard as I could not noticing it was on the blunt side hitting his arm. *CRACK* Ah I love that sound It usually marks my victory.... usually.

Phase2 Artorias P.O.V

I felt a sharp pain erupt out of my arm and soon began flying to the ground. As I got back up with my sword I looked at the damage and noticed my arm was completely shattered b ut I felt nothing I didnt care either I lifted up my sword bent my back down a little put my foot back and dropped my sword on my shoulder and stared at him then he took his own stance and stared back at me. We both waited for each other to make a move. The wind fell silent the leaves fell slowly and time felt slow I knew one of us was not going to see tomorrow. And so we both rushed each other.

No ones P.O.V

This silence had fallen however when a large *Roar* of wind was summoned shaking the trees and scaring the birds. We then see Manus fly out of the woods with a large diagonal slash across his chest and we see him land somewhere near the Throne of Want. " My queen p-please save me!" Manus screamed towards Nashandra begging for help. "M-manus don't worry i'm coming!" she said as she raced towards Manus but soon stopped dead in her tracks as she sees Artorias walking right behind him dragging his sword "Manuuuuus" Artorias groaned with hatred in his voice Nashandra quickened her pace towards Manus. However Manus knew she wouldn't make it. "MY QUEEN STOP!" Manus screamed making her stop in her tracks. "stick to the plan he whispered before nodding his head and grabbing his weapon to turn around and try to swing at Artorias but to which he was gone. Manus quickly looked up into the air but it was too late. Artorias landed right on top of him plunging his sword right into Manus's chest. *gurgle* *cough*   seeing that he was still alive he lodged it deeper into him causing Manus to roar in pain. "Your too damn loud" Artorias said as he made spikes erupt from under Manus's body when he pushed his blade even deeper finally quieting the beast. 

Phase2 Artorias P.O.V 

I finally noticed a large slimy being made of corpses in front of me just staring I looked up at the moon and thought it was weird as I never noticed it was night time I then started having thoughts of Sif and I and our rides at night I roared into the night sky and twirled around. I lifted my sword and put it on my shoulder still inside Manus's stomach making my body feel a little heavy She didnt have any eyes but I could tell she hated me. we stared at each other waiting until she Screamed out of pure rage and shot a beam of light towards me however she was too slow as I threw manus's body right towards her causing her to miss and hit a tree branch next to me.

Nashandra P.O.V

I shot my beam of light at that bastard to which this sick fuck threw Manus's body at me I saw his cold dead face and was harshly reminded to stick to the plan. I threw Manus's corpse off me and retreated to the Void and saw as he followed me. "perfect."   

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