Episode 2: The Puzzling Questions

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As Hiccup walked through the dark forest,to search a spot to calm his stress down, he noticed something in the woods.

It's a shadow of an unknown creature that no one has ever seen. It is very huge in size equal to an Alpha dragon. 

It's red eyes were looking at him as if it's going to ask for help. Afterwards it disappeared in a thick fog. 

Because Hiccup doesn't seen this creature before he decided to follow the creature that's lurking in the shadows.

But after hours of travelling, Hiccup decided that the creature must be an imaginary dragon that was no longer been existed.

Next day she told Astrid about the creature he saw last night. When Astrid heard this, she told Hiccup to go to the elder for advice.

As hiccup described the elder about the creature he saw last nigh, Gobber translated the signs that their elder was been saying.

"It is a quest for you, young chief," Gobber translated the words. "It's up to you to find the creature or not." Gobber added, then the elder gave Hiccup a stone that is bright and gleaming in nature.

"Keep that stone close to you and maybe you will find the answer you seek." translated Gobber for the last time.

"I-I-I don't understand it, Astrid," says Hiccup. "I mean why does she gave me the stone if I don't know how to use this?" he added.

"I think it's a puzzle for you to solve, No one has achieve answers without solving quetions," says Astrid. "I guess you have to try it yourself." she added.

"Puzzle to solve, a question to be answered." Hiccup thinks. "It's only natural for a chief to think about his problems" says a familiar voice. "Oh, hi mom." says Hiccup.

"I guess being a chief doesn't make you powerful, son." Valka said. "Well I still have much to learn about the 'chief' thing" Hiccup said

"Well I have to hang on to this. But thanks, mom." Hiccup said to his mom. "But I am still lacking something." Hiccup added. "What is it, son?" asked Valka.

"I have to look for some answers to my puzzle?" says Hiccup. "And what question should you ask, son?" asked Valka. "It's about the creature I saw last night." Hiccup said.

"What's it look like?" Valka asked again. "I don't know. All I know was the color of it's eyes." Hiccup answered. Valka remained silent at that moment.

Afterwards she told Hiccup about a myth regarding two dragons. One controls the time and the other controls space. Their power are beyond the dragons' limitation. She also told Hiccup that the size of those two were equal to the Alpha.

"So that makes sense..." Hiccup said. "Maybe the creature I saw last night in the woods,"Hiccup added.

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