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I hear them arguing downstairs and not much after Tom rushes in my room. Forcefully and really angry he turns the chair I'm sitting in to him. „Whats wrong?" I ask calmly but my heart is beating faster and faster because I secretly know what's about to happen. „Show me." „What? What are you talking about?" He breaths heavily, closes his eyes for a few seconds and then opens them again. Tom grabs my arm and pulls my sleeve back and quickly puts the bandage away. „Hey what do you think you're doing?"

As he sees the cuts he looks me in the eyes and it hurts me so much to see how hurt he is. He starts shaking his head. „Wait Tom Listen." He opens his mouth and wants to say something but there's nothing coming out. His eyes start to fill with water as he looks at them again before he lets go of my arm and heads to his room where he locks himself in. I run after him and bump into Max. „A really good friend you are, oh yes." „Elia I'm sorry." „Spare me." I head to Toms room and knock at the door. „Can we talk please?" No response.

„I wanna explain everything to you." „You said that last time too." He answers with a shaking voice and I can hear that he's crying. „I know, I made a huge mistake and I'm so sorry. I can't even tell you why I didn't tell you everything last time." I sigh and slide with my back down his door. „Tom please let me explain." Tears Bild up in my eyes. „You know the part where my Parents threw me out for not wanting to stay at the farm, but this was the best part, they were cruel, they did things to me and my siblings you can't imagine. You know this one huge scar across my back right? I did t fell down no stairs, my father dragged me across the field with his belt around my neck choking me and there was something sharp inside."

I sigh again as I hear him unlocking the door and opening it slightly. His eyes are bright red. „Some things should just stay in the past." He says and I force a smile Tom opens the door completely and hugs me tight. „This has nothing to do with me does it?" „Of course not Babe, you're the reason I'm still here." I kiss him in his soft lips. „But can you please stop doing that, or at least get help." „I will stop." „And start eating." I just nod on that. „Come here." He grabs my arm und fixes the bandages. „I am still hurt you know." I look to the ground. I never wanted to hurt anyone, especially not the one person I love the most.

„I'll get over it. I've cream?" He wipes away one of my tears on my cheek and I start laughing. „No ice cream. I should check in Emily." „You do that, Imma chat with Max." I head downstairs but at first I can't find her anywhere. „Where did you go?" I look on the balcony but she isn't there either. As I turn around I spot her between the stairs and a shelf with her knees to her chin and shaking. „Come here Emily, he's not shouting at you." She looks up as I said that. „You know what I just remembered, the one time we were at the park just as the old lady and the kid and the kid was playing jokes on her?"

She chuckles. „Hey or the one time we were in that scary rollercoster and thought it would be over and then we dropped?" „Oh yes. Or where we were alone in the whole cinema." We both laugh and she comes to me for a hug. „Are you alright?" I ask her and she nods. „Are you?" „This is about you, not me. But I think we all should talk to Max. I don't know what's going on with him."

We head upstairs and find the boys talking. „Guys, what about we just go out together. Like on a party if that's okay for you too Elia." „I'm okay with that." The boys nod and after we found a place to go, we all together chose the outfit for each of us. It was so much fun.

I'm happy with what we chose for me but I am a little bit scared because of my arms

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I'm happy with what we chose for me but I am a little bit scared because of my arms. We shower and then get dressed and on the way to the party we stop at a fast food restaurant to eat something. It's so much fun. „I just realized, in one month we're actors, like real ones and we don't have to search for ads but real movies." Emily says. She's right about that. „Okay Let's make a bet, whoever is better than Elia out of us three will get 50 bucks from each of us." Max says and they agree. „And what if I'm the best?" „Well I guess it would be just fair if we'd give you fifty bucks then." Tom says and we all agree on that.

„Luckily I don't have competition." I say and swing my hair back. „In the end we're all better than you." „Please not." We laugh and not short after we arrive at the party. „As always?" „As always!" We Split up, me and Max and Emily and Tom. Me and Max are searching for fun games and Emily and Tom are hunting Alcohol and then we meet again at the front entrance.

„So what are you up to tonight?" „Truth or Dare." Max answers straight. „Okay Let's search for it tho." It doesn't take us long till we find it. „Okay Let's go back." „No Wait a Sec." He rushes to one of the guys playing and greets him like an old friend then whispers something in his ear. „What was that all about?" I ask as he's back. „Nothing." Strange but okay.

We head back where we find Tom and Emily already waiting. „What have you got?" She asks. „Truth or dare." Max answers. „Literally everything is here. Let's grab something." I take Toms hand and we get ourselves drinks and then head to play. The first few rounds are really fun but the more we drink the deeper it gets and the more intimate. The bottle lands on Tom. „Truth or dare?" The guy asks. „Dare." „Kiss the blonde girl." The Blonde girl he means is Emily. I am curious what he's gonna do.

He hesitates a bit and then leans to me. „It's just a game, right? You know I love you." He whispers and slightly kisses my next to me ear but then he stands up and kisses her, really short luckily. I am pissed but whatever, just a game. A few turns later the bottle lands on me. „Dare." „I dare you to kiss the blonde dude." He means Max. „I pass." „You have to drink half a liter beer." I take the cup and chug it down. „No offense but you know." I say to Max who has absolutely no problem with that. Again a few rounds later and a few more drinks later were really drunk and the bottle lands on Emily. „Kiss the same guy as earlier für at least half a minute." She looks at me but for what, waiting for permission?

After I don't react she stands up and walks over to him. „It's just a game babe." He says. She sits on his lap with both legs wide open and starts to kiss him intensely and it seems like there are also feelings. Now I am pissed. Afterwards Tom wants to take my hand again but I refuse. Two rounds later the bottle lands on Max who also takes dare. His dare is the same as Emily's. He has to kiss me at least 30 seconds. I lean over to Tom. „It's just a game, right?" Then I lean to the other side to Max and kiss him I tense for half a minute but not one second longer. Everyone is cheering except Tom, I wonder why.

Again a few rounds later the bottle lands on him again, this time he takes truth. „Did you feel something during that kiss?" After he looks at me, he answered with a cold „No.". A few rounds more and the Bottle is on me again and I take dare. „Kiss the blonde guy for a minute." „I pass." „You know what that means, a liter beer with three shots of Vodka." I sign him to hand it to me. „Woah no, I think you've had enough." Tom says. „So you want me to kiss Max for a minute!" „No, we should go." „Nah I already said dare, you can choose." „That's ridiculous." He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

One of them who were playing with hands me the beer and I start chugging it. It takes me a bit but I did it. Pissed Tom grabs my hand. „Let's go now." „Already?" „Yes, chop chop." I get up and wave and then I follow my boyfriend. „Not so fast, I'm dizzy." As we're finally outside I take a deep breath. „This is nice." „It is, yes." He says completely out of breath. „You breath like you've just fucked me all night long." „Oh you shouldn't have said that."

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